31st Annual Literary Anthology September 14, 2017 Welcome Coordinators! 31st Annual Literary Anthology September 14, 2017
A G E N D A Welcome and Introductions Roles and Responsibilities; Stipend Anthology Genres YAG/Pacing Connections Judges Author’s Luncheon Calendar Open forum
Please tell us your name, the name of your campus, and the number of years that your have been a literary anthology coordinator.
Roles and Responsibilities Let’s Review Them…
$1000.00 Print Your Name Date Sign
2017-2018 Genres K √ X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HS Engaging Stories Real/ Imaginative/ Engaging Stories Poetry Essays To inform To explain Letters Persuasive Essay Personal Narratives Script K √ X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HS Engaging Stories Analytical Essays Argumentative Essays
Anthology Success School Wide Contest Principal Support Bulletin Boards Announcements Writing classes Collaborate with librarian Parent Nights
YAGs and Genres
Grades K-2 English Language Arts Units At-A-Glance 9 Weeks Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 1st Short Story (K.14A) Short Story (1.18A) Informational Text (to explain or inform) (1.19A) Short Story (2.18A) Information Text (to explain or inform) (2.19A) 2nd Poetry (K.14B) Poetry (1.18B) Informational Text (to explain or inform) (2.19A) Poetry (2.18B) 3rd Informational (lists, captions, invitations) (K.15A) Informational Text (to explain, inform, or persuade) (1.19A) Letters (1.19B) Letters (2.19B) 4th Information Text (to explain, inform, or persuade) (1.19A) Review SS, P, L Persuasive Text (2.20A)
Grades 3-5 English Language Arts Units At-A-Glance 9 Weeks 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 1st Imaginative Story (3.18A) Personal Narrative (3.19A) Poetry (3.18B) Imaginative Story (4.16A) Poetry (4.16B) Personal Narrative (4.17A) Imaginative Story (5.16A) Poetry (5.16B) Personal Narrative (5.17A) Letters (5.18B) 2nd Expository Text (to inform and explain) (3.20A) Letters (4.18B) Expository Text (to explain/opinion)(4.18A) Persuasive Text (5.19A) Informational Text (to explain or inform) (5.18A) 3rd Persuasive Text (3.21A) Expository Text (3.20A) Informational Text (opinion/to explain, inform, or persuade) (4.18A, 4.19A) Informational Text (to explain or inform, to persuade)(5.18A) 4th All Genres
Grades 6-8 English Language Arts Units At-A-Glance 9 Weeks 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 1st Fiction Drama Poetry Literary Nonfiction 2nd Poetry (continued) Expository Fiction continued 3rd Connections: Literary Text and Informational Text Persuasive Connections: Literary, Informational, and Across All Genres 4th All Genres Research
English Language Arts Units English I – English IV English Language Arts Units At-A-Glance 9 Weeks English I English II English III English IV 1st Fiction Literary Nonfiction Expository Poetry 2nd Drama Persuasive 3rd Genre Connections Connecting Genres Persersuasive 4th College & Career Literacy Research College & Career Connections Marshaling Evidence College & Career Reading and Writing
Literary Anthology Website (being updated) SISD Departments Academic Services Curriculum and Instruction ISD Districtwide Efforts ISD Districtwide Efforts All Grades Literary Anthology The direct link is listed below (you will be prompted to log in) http://www.sisd.net//site/Default.aspx?PageID=33822
Judges Each Anthology Coordinator is responsible for bringing in 3-5 judges for the spring judging Submit names to Mari Sosa Please have names in by March 29, 2018
Author’s Luncheon Venue: Pebble Hills High School Date: May 12, 2017 Time: 11:30-1:00 Guest speaker? Other Ideas? Theme (next slide) Number of guests Student plus two guests Student’s teacher One campus administrator Coordinator
Themes Live, Write, Love On the Write Track Hitting the Write Note Write from the Heart Others? Please make recommendations.
Cast Your Vote! Vote for your favorite theme
At Your Campus…
Contact Information Elizabeth Marquez, PK-2 Instructional Officer emarqu04@sisd.net 915-526-4441 Mari Sosa, Elementary Instructional Officer msosa02@sisd.net 915-929-3833 Yvonne Dominguez, Secondary Instructional Officer carago01@sisd.net 915-213-8314
Next Meeting November 2 4:30-5:30