Practical stuff Crack the WPA key of this laptop (SSID: « Philips WiFi »). Rules: Do not attack anything else on this laptop. You can use aircrack-ng but it’s not mandatory (cowpatty, pyrit, …). If you find the key, call me; do not tell everybody, they may still want to crack it. Password list and cowpatty table available on CD (only useful today).
Practical stuff - Tips Make sure to disable all network managers and other programs using wireless interfaces: airmon-ng check kill Madwifi-ng airmon-ng stop ath0 airmon-ng start wifi0 If you don’t see the handshake with aircrack-ng (or any other tool), open your capture file with wireshark and filter it with « eapol ».
Practical stuff - Airgraph-ng Creates a picture of the wireless networks Wardriver or just want to monitor your network, this is for you.
Practical stuff - Airgraph-ng (2)
Practical Stuff – Aigraph-ng (3) Run airodump-ng with the parameters you want (however -w is mandatory to make it work). Airodump-ng writes the CSV file every 5 seconds. Whenever you want, start airgraph-ng on the CSV file.
Practical stuff - Airgraph-ng (4) Parameters: Input file: Airodump-ng CSV file (.txt) Graph type: CAPR (Client – AP Relationship): Connected clients CPG (Common Probe Graph): Probed SSID Output file: Picture file name Examples: CAPR: -i ../airgraph-01.txt -t CAPR -o ../airgraph-capr.png CPG: -i ../airgraph-01.txt -t CPG -o ../airgraph-cpg.png