Lecture on Comparison and Contrast Writing www.AssignmentPoint.com
What is comparison and contrast? Comparison shows how two or more things are similar Contrast shows how two or more things are different In most writing situations, the two related processes are used together An analogy explains one thing by comparing it to a second, more familiar, thing
Venn diagram Useful when comparing and contrasting only two things.
Establishing a basis for comparison The two things to be compared must have enough in common to justify the comparison. In making comparisons, you should move beyond the obvious (i.e., people and bees) When two things are very similar, it is the contrasts that may be worth writing about.
Searching points for discussion Determine your emphasis on similarities, differences, or both. Determine the major focus of your paper. Make sure you treat the same or similar elements for each subject you will discuss Do not discuss entirely different elements for each subject. Bollywood and Hollywood Movies Similarities Differences Kinds technologically advanced Promotion big budget Use the latest technology Subject Popularity Time duration
Comparison and Contrast Transitions Comparison Transitions Comparison Transitions Also By the same token In comparison Likewise Similarly Although But Even though However In contrast On the contrary On the other hand Yet
Structuring a Comparison and Contrast Essay The body of the essay can be organized many Structure. We will look at two organizational styles. 1. Structure: Subject by Subject 2. Structure: Point by Point
Essay Organization Structure: Subject by Subject Write a separate essay about each subject, but you discuss the same points for both subjects. Use basis for comparison to guide your selection of points. Arrange points in logical order, usually order of importance. Good for short, uncomplicated papers
Essay Organization Structure: Subject by Subject
Essay Organization Structure: Point by Point Good for longer, more complex papers Make a point about one subject, and then follow it with a comparable point about the other subject. Alternating pattern Be careful not to fall into a monotonous, back and forth movement between points. To avoid this problem, vary sentence structure as you move from point to point.
Essay Organization Structure: Point by Point
Let’s look at an essays on “Bollywood and Hollywood Movies”
Bollywood and Hollywood Movies Similarities Differences Kinds Promotion Use the latest technology Popularity technologically advanced big budget Subject Time duration
The Introduction Entertainment is perhaps deemed a necessary psychological need for humans. Now, Bollywood and Hollywood movies are two most popular source of Entertainment. However, many people watch Hollywood movies, although there are many people like to watch Bollywood movies as source of entertainment. In this essay I will write about the similarities and differences between Bollywood and Hollywood moves. Introduces the topic and general information The specific things that will be compared. It also gives the writer’s opinion about the topic
Introduces the similarities specific examples of the Similarities There are some imperative similarities between Bollywood and Hollywood moves. Firstly, both of them make all kinds of movies such as action, romance, drama, and comedy. Secondly, both Hollywood and Bollywood highly promote their films and stars. Another similarity is that both of them use the latest technology in the moves world. Moreover, these are very popular around the world. Introduces the similarities specific examples of the Similarities
Introduces the differences specific examples of the differences Although there are similarities but there are also a lot of differences. The first difference is that Hollywood films are more technologically advanced compared to Bollywood movies and Hollywood movies have a much bigger budget than Bollywood moves. Secondly, Hollywood tackles various themes and issues, some bordering on human sensitivity and reality. On the other hand Bollywood is centered on family, drama, and music. Thirdly, the Hollywood movies are shorter than Bollywood movies. Introduces the differences specific examples of the differences
Conclusion Restates the topic and main ideas All in all, most moves, especially Bollywood and Hollywood moves, gives viewers a lot of pleaser. The viewers of these movies also get knowledge about Bollowed and Hollywood culture and latest technology of science and others. That is possible because of Bollywood and Hollywood moves are so popular around the world. The Writer’s opinion A final thought about the topic