Compare & Contrast Essays The Excitement of Essays!
Did you know that…? Comparison = similarities Contrast = differences You need to READ all of the prompt & directions. Something CANNOT be the same AND different at the same time
The Comp/Con Rubric BASIC CORE - Shows competence EXPANDED CORE - Shows excellence 1. Has an acceptable thesis 1 point (Addresses comparison of the issues or themes specified.) 2. Addresses all parts of the question 2 points (For example: deals with differences and similarities) 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate 2 points historical evidence. 4. Makes at least three relevant, DIRECT 1 point comparisons and three relevant, DIRECT contrasts between or among societies. 5. Analyzes at least two reasons for similarity 1 point and two reasons for difference in a DIRECT comparison. Expands beyond the basic core of 1-7 points. The basic core score of 7 MUST be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. EXAMPLES OF EXPANDED CORE POINTS: Has a clear, ANALYTICAL, and comprehensive thesis. Addresses ALL parts of the question (as relevant): comparisons, chronology, causation, connections, themes, interactions, content. Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate the thesis. Relates comparisons to the larger, global, historical context. Makes SEVERAL direct comparisons consistently between or among societies. Consistently analyzes the causes and effects of relevant similarities and differences. SUBTOTAL 7 POINTS SUBTOTAL 1 OR 2 POINTS TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE - - 9 POINTS
General Goals: Clear thesis statement: Comparisons: Contrasts: Identifies clear comparisons Identifies clear contrasts Comparisons: At least 3 direct comparisons Support with clear evidence Contrasts: At least 3 direct contrasts Essay Structure: 1 Intro paragraph 1 Comparison body paragraph 1 Contrast body paragraph 1 paragraph of your choice – either Comparison or Contrast
STEPS TO TAKE Identify WHAT is being asked: What do you need to accomplish with this essay? Topic(s)? Time & Place? Make your CENTRAL IDEA (Main Argument) Clarify and specify your 3 CONTROLLING IDEAS Must be EITHER a comparison OR a contrast Must clarify the topic of discussion: Not just political differences, BUT “… the goals of the governments differed, …”
LOOK: What do you need to accomplish? DIRECTIONS: You are to answer the following question. You should spend 5 minutes outlining your essay. The only information you receive on an actual A.P. writing prompt is the information you see between the two, solid lines. Write an essay that: Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate evidence. Addresses all parts of the question. Makes direct, relevant comparisons. Analyzes relevant reasons for similarities and differences. PROMPT: Compare and contrast the social and religious foundations of Buddhism and Hinduism.
Your work: Write a clear, well-organized thesis statement for the following prompt: Compare and contrast your two favorite foods in three of the following ways: Taste/flavors Ingredients Difficulty/ease of preparation Memories/experiences w/ the food