NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process


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Presentation transcript:

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Pre-proposal Submission & Review Process Pre-Proposal Submission (Open May 1 to Nov. 30) NOTE: Pre-proposals accepted during May 1 to Nov. 30 time period are only eligible for grant submission in following grant review cycle (due on Feb 15). Grants not submitted by Feb. 15 will have to undergo a new pre-proposal review process. Pre-Proposal received by NATA Foundation & entered into database Pre-Proposal database & Pre-Proposal form sent to RC Chair for review (within 1 week of initial receipt of Pre-Proposal) RC Chair identifies 3 RC members to review Pre-Proposal & information is sent for review (within 2 weeks of initial receipt of Pre-Proposal) Pre-Proposal review completed & decision submitted to NATA Foundation (within 2 weeks of receipt of Pre-Proposal by RC member) Investigator notified of pre-proposal decision (within 1 week of receiving Pre-Proposal decision from RC members) If 2 or > RC members agree to reject, then Pre-Proposal is not accepted for grant submission If 2 or > RC members agree to accept, then Pre-Proposal is accepted for grant submission Grant Submission Process

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Grant Submission Process Feb. 1 deadline for Grants Proposal to be received by NATA Foundation to be eligible for review Grant Proposals submitted to RC Chair & VC for grants by February 15 Mechanical review of Grant Proposals (completed within 1 week of receiving grants) RC Chair reviews for content & begins identifying potential reviewers VC for Grants performs mechanical review to ensure grant is formatted properly & contains essential information Grant Proposals not formatted properly or missing essential information are automatically rejected for further consideration & are not sent for external review Grant Proposal review teams are assigned by March 7 Grant Proposal review materials sent to reviewers by March 14 Grant Proposal reviews completed and sent to RC Chair & VC for grants by April 15 RC members send preliminary AT Impact & Scientific Content scores to VC for Grants by April 20 VC for Grants sends preliminary Grant Proposal rankings to RC Chair & NATA Foundation prior to the meeting Grant Review Process

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Grant Review Process RC meeting for Grant Proposal reviews to be held around April 25 VC for Grants reviews basic process of presenting grants with RC Identify study title & research team Identify external reviewers and comment on the quality & timeliness of reviews Provide overview of study aims & hypotheses Discuss how well the researcher developed a solid rationale, theoretical framework, and outlined impact on athletic training Provide overview of experimental procedures Subjects Independent variables Dependent variables Experimental design & testing procedures Data analysis procedures Discuss strengths & weaknesses of different aspects of proposal Grant Review Process continues

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Grant Review Process RC meeting for Grant Proposal reviews to be held around April 25 (continued) VC for Grants reviews basic process of presenting Grant Proposals with RC (continued) Motion to do one of the following Do not fund, do not resubmit Do not fund, resubmit OK Be specific with what points must be addressed to make proposal compelling in future Fund with revisions Fund without additional revisions Second the motion Discuss Hold RC vote Primary reviewer provides final scores for AT impact & scientific content Final scores should be reflective of the scores after reviewing the grant, considering external reviewers scores, and considering RC group discussion Grant Review Process continues

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Grant Review Process RC meeting for Grant Proposal reviews to be held around April 25 (continued) VC for Grants presents preliminary AT Impact & Scientific Content scores to RC members RC member conflicts of interest are identified (refer to conflict of interest policy statement) RC members are recused from all discussions of grants for which there is a conflict of interest Identify & discuss Grant Proposals with scores of <50 to 69 on Athletic Training Impact & Scientific Content) If AT Impact is not >70 after group discussion then a decision of do not fund (DNF), do not resubmit (DNR) is made, regardless of scientific content score Grant Review Process continues

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Grant Review Process RC meeting for Grant Proposal reviews to be held around April 25 (continued) Identify & discuss Grant Proposals with scores >70 on either AT Impact or Scientific Content Grants recommended for funding are typically above 75-80 on both AT Impact & Scientific Content If small changes to the proposal do not raise preliminary grant scores to these levels, then this would suggest a recommendation of DNF, Resubmit OK If Grant Proposal scores are above 80 then possibly hold these grants for later discussion to consider for recommending for funding & final rankings Once all Grant Proposals are reviewed, those recommended for funding are again discussed for final scoring & ranking Any RC member with a conflict of interest with these grants is recused from these discussions Assign final Grant Proposal scores and rankings based on AT Impact & Scientific Content are made Post Grant Review Meeting Process

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Post Grant Review Meeting Process VC for Grants email Grant Review Summary Form and reminder to all RC members about Grant Summaries due date (usually 2 weeks after the meeting) and things to keep in mind when preparing summaries (day after meeting) VC for Grants receives Grant Review Summary Forms from primary reviewers and emails the Grant Proposal rankings and voting outcome for General and Outcomes Grant Proposals to RC Chair and NATA Foundation Staff (2 weeks after meeting) VC for Grants reviews all grant review summaries and emails final grant summaries to RC Chair & Foundation staff (3 weeks from date received) Grants in which RC Chair has an identified conflict(s) – VC for Grants sends the identified grant summaries directly to the NATA Foundation staff Grants in which RC VC for Grants has an identified conflict(s) – grant summaries are emailed by the primary reviewer directly to the RC Chair & NATA Foundation staff RC Chair reviews Grant Review Summary Forms and forwards to NATA Foundation staff (2 weeks from data received) Post Grant Review Meeting Process

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process Post Grant Review Meeting Process RC Chair presents Grant Proposals recommended for funding to NATA Foundation Board of Directors at meeting in June NATA Foundation Board of Directors decides which of the Grant Proposals recommended for funding are actually funded (in consideration of research grant funding available in NATA Foundation budget) All Grant Summaries & decision letters are sent to investigators by first week in July Thanks for your interest in the NATA Foundation General Grant Program! Go to

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process NATA Foundation Scoring Rubric (comparison to NIH as a reference) NIH (National Institutes of Health) NATA Research & Education Foundation Overall Impact or Criterion Strength Score Descriptor Impact on Athletic Training Scientific Content High 1 Exceptional 90+ Revolutionary impact Cutting edge   2 Outstanding 85 3 Excellent 80 Important impact Innovative Medium 4 Very Good 75 5 Good 70 Useful impact Current & appropriate 6 Satisfactory 65 Low 7 Fair 60 Minimally useful impact Minimally acceptable 8 Marginal 50 Marginal impact if any Unacceptable but correctable 9 Poor <50 Unimportant Fatally flawed

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process NATA Foundation timeline of grant submission, review & decision process Pre-proposal Submission & Review Process # Weeks Cumulative weeks Pre-proposal submission process open from May 1 to November 30 Pre-proposal received by NATA Foundation, processed, & sent to RC Chair 1 RC chair identifies reviewers & information is sent for review 2 3 Pre-proposal review completed & decision submitted to NATA Foundation 5 Investigator notified of pre-proposal decision 6 Grant Submission Process February 1 deadline for grants to be received by NATA Foundation to be eligible for review Grants received by NATA Foundation, processed, and sent RC Chair & VC Mechanical review of grants completed by VC RC chair reviews for content, identifies potential reviewers, and review teams are assigned Grant review materials sent to reviewers Grant reviews completed and sent to RC chair & VC for grants 4 10 RC members send preliminary AT Impact and Scientific Content scores to VC for grants 5 days 10.7

NATA Foundation General Grants Program Process NATA Foundation timeline of grant submission, review & decision process Grant Review Process # Weeks Cumulative weeks RC meeting for grant reviews to be held around April 25 2 days 0.3 Post-Grant Review Meeting Process VC for grants emails grant review summary form & due dates for grant summaries to RC members VC for grants receives grant review summaries and emails the grant ranking results & voting outcomes to RC Chair and Foundation Staff 2 VC for grants reviews all grant review summaries and emails final grant summaries to RC Chair & Foundation staff 3 5 RC Chair presents grants recommended for funding to NATA Foundation BOD at the June meeting. Final decisions for funding are made by NATA Foundation BOD. Notifications are sent to investigators in early July 4 9