Genetics Heredity Genes DNA Chapter Introduction
Understanding Inheritance What determines the expression of traits? How can inheritance be modeled? How do some patterns of inheritance differ from Mendel’s model? Lesson 2 Reading Guide
Lesson 2 Reading Guide - Vocab Understanding Inheritance gene allele phenotype genotype homozygous heterozygous Punnett square incomplete dominance codominance polygenic inheritance Lesson 2 Reading Guide - Vocab
What Controls Traits 150 years ago, Mendel proposed that two factors (one from each parent) control heredity. The factors that control heredity are contained in chromosome pairs, one from each parent. Chromosomes Lesson 2
What Controls Traits (cont.) A gene is a section on a chromosome that has genetic information for one trait. The different variations of a gene are called alleles. Each chromosome has one allele (variation) for every gene. The two chromosomes in an offspring cell may have the same or different alleles (variations) of a gene. Gene Alleles Lesson 2
“Mom” “Dad” Lesson 2
What Controls Traits (cont.) The phenotype is how a trait is expressed and observed. The genotype is the genetic makeup that determine the phenotype. Phenotype Genotype Lesson 2
What Controls Traits (cont.) phenotype from Greek phainein, means “to show” Lesson 2
What Controls Traits (cont.) When the two alleles of a gene are the same, the genotype is homozygous. When the two alleles of a gene are different, the genotype is heterozygous. Homozygous Heterozygous Lesson 2
What Controls Traits (cont.) Scientists use uppercase and lowercase letters as symbols to represent the alleles in a genotype. How do alleles determine the expression of traits? Lesson 2
Modeling Inheritance A Punnett square is a model used to predict the probabilities of genotypes and phenotypes of an offspring. Punnett square Lesson 2
Modeling Inheritance (cont.) How can inheritance be predicted? Lesson 2
Other Patterns of Inheritance Codominance occurs when both the parent’s traits are observed in the offspring at the same time. Incomplete dominance occurs when the offspring appears to have a blend of both parent’s traits. (The genes are separate, not blended) Codominance Incomplete dominance Lesson 2
Other Patterns of Inheritance (cont.) Multiple alleles occurs when more than two alleles determine a trait. For example, human blood type is determined by three alleles. Multiple alleles Two Lesson 2
Other Patterns of Inheritance (cont.) Polygenic inheritance occurs when more than one gene determine a trait. For example, eye color is affected by at least 15 genes. Polygenic inheritance One Lesson 2
Other Patterns of Inheritance (cont.) How does polygenic inheritance differ from Mendel’s model? Lesson 2
Genes and the Environment The phenotype is also affected by both the genes and the environment (i.e. non-genetic or non-inheritable factors). Some examples of environmental factors that affect phenotype are soil type that a flower is growing in, time of year that a butterfly develops, or family upbringing. Lesson 2
The genes for traits are located on chromosomes. Lesson 2
Geneticists use Punnett squares to predict the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring. In polygenic inheritance, traits are determined by more than one gene and have many possible phenotypes. Lesson 2
What is the name for different forms of a gene? A. alleles B. phenotypes C. genotypes D. chromosomes Lesson 2
What is the genotype when two alleles of a gene are the same? A. heterozygous B. dominant C. homozygous D. recessive Lesson 2
What occurs when both alleles can be observed in a phenotype? A. incomplete dominance B. homozygous C. polygenic D. codominance Lesson 2
Homework Super Power Type Dad’s Allele (Sperm) Mom’s Allele (Egg) Genotype (Child’s DNA) Phenotype (Observed) Spider powers S Laser eyes L l Telepathy t Wings W w Jedi force j j Time travel Not observed Yes, observed Fill in the blanks above, create last two super powers, then draw the super hero
Homework Draw 3 Punett Squares to cross and write down the offspring probabilities of these super heroes below: Superman (X-ray vision) with Wonder Woman (no x-ray) Captain America and Black Widow (both heterozygous for super strength) Spiderman (homozygous) with Mary Jane (no powers)