TRF Grants PETS-2016 Rtn. Vinay Vyas ( ) Rtn. Harjit Talwar


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Presentation transcript:

TRF Grants PETS-2016 Rtn. Vinay Vyas (2016-17) Rtn. Harjit Talwar Avenue Chair TRF Programs Dist. Training Facilitator PETS 2016

Future Vision Plan Update, Nov 2008 SHARE Funding Model ANNUAL FUND (2013-14) SHARE 50% 50% District Controlled Trustees Controlled DDF 320000$ World Fund 50% (max) 50% (min) Matching Now, how do we fund this new grant structure? The current SHARE system will remain—Annual Programs Fund will be split 50/50 between the DDF (the District Designated Fund) and the World Fund. Within the DDF, each district may elect to receive up to 50% of the available DDF for Rotary Foundation District Grants. At district’s direction, the remaining DDF—that is at least 50% as districts can choose to use up to a maximum of 50% for district grants— along with the World Fund, cash flow through from contributions, permanent fund earnings, named gifts, and donor advised funds will support Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Keep in mind that the current World Fund matching concept will remain in the funding model. All club- and district- developed global grants will provide a World Fund match to DDF, cash and Donor Advised Funds, regardless of activity. The Foundation will no longer provide a World Fund match for smaller, less strategic projects and activities that will be undertaken by district grants. As mentioned earlier, the Trustees approved the concept that packaged grants will be primarily funded solely from the World Fund. However, there may be circumstances the clubs and districts may also use DDF and cash to develop packaged grants. Dist. Grants 160000$ Global Grants (World Fund match to DDF and cash)

District Grants Single “block” grant awarded annually To addresses immediate needs of the community Smaller activities and projects Educational and humanitarian activities consistent with the mission Fund both local or international activities Local decision making Rotary Foundation District Grants support the overall mission of The Rotary Foundation, but do not necessarily tie to the six areas of focus, thereby allowing a broad range of choices for clubs and districts. The district can apply annually for one District Grant – a “block grant” so to speak – for up to 50% of its available District Designated Funds for that Rotary Year - after reviewing requests from its Rotarians and clubs. The district then issues the money and reports to its clubs how all the funds were utilized. The Foundation itself requires very minimal reporting, thanks to the advance planning done by clubs and districts before the funds are requested. This enables districts to close out their grants quickly. District grants are intended to support smaller activities and projects both locally and internationally.

Dist. Grants 2016-17 Funds Allocation Chart * WINS Toilet Blocks $ 42000 (40 nos.@ $1800. 1:1 matching by District) Diabetes Awareness Camps $ 30000 Pediatric Heart Surgeries (Approx.100) $ 40000 Other projects $ 40000 (50% of project cost or $ 2000 whichever is LOWER, per club for 20 clubs) Contingencies $ 8000 $ 160000 Rotary Foundation District Grants support the overall mission of The Rotary Foundation, but do not necessarily tie to the six areas of focus, thereby allowing a broad range of choices for clubs and districts. The district can apply annually for one District Grant – a “block grant” so to speak – for up to 50% of its available District Designated Funds for that Rotary Year - after reviewing requests from its Rotarians and clubs. The district then issues the money and reports to its clubs how all the funds were utilized. The Foundation itself requires very minimal reporting, thanks to the advance planning done by clubs and districts before the funds are requested. This enables districts to close out their grants quickly. District grants are intended to support smaller activities and projects both locally and internationally.

Timeline Last Date for Qualification : 31st May 2016 Last Date for Application : 15th july 2016 * LAST DATE for Project Completion: 15th May 2017 * LAST DATE for Reporting: 31st May 2017 Rotary Foundation District Grants support the overall mission of The Rotary Foundation, but do not necessarily tie to the six areas of focus, thereby allowing a broad range of choices for clubs and districts. The district can apply annually for one District Grant – a “block grant” so to speak – for up to 50% of its available District Designated Funds for that Rotary Year - after reviewing requests from its Rotarians and clubs. The district then issues the money and reports to its clubs how all the funds were utilized. The Foundation itself requires very minimal reporting, thanks to the advance planning done by clubs and districts before the funds are requested. This enables districts to close out their grants quickly. District grants are intended to support smaller activities and projects both locally and internationally.

Global Grants • Larger grant awards • Responds to a community need • Long-term projects • Larger grant awards • Responds to a community need Sustainable & Measurable outcomes • Alignment with areas of focus • World Fund match Rotary Foundation Global Grants fund projects and activities that are sustainable and measurable and relate to the goals of the areas of focus. In order to support these goals, global grants provide larger awards for projects and activities with a minimum World Fund award of $15,000, resulting in a total project cost of US$30,000 and above. Clubs and districts may develop their own global grant projects or they can choose from a menu of packaged global grants that the Foundation is developing in conjunction with its strategic partners. Since global grants include a World Fund match they are a flexible and economical option for scholarships. In addition, clubs can partner together to develop holistic projects that incorporate humanitarian and educational activities in the same grant, again, as long as it relates to the areas of focus.

Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation have identified six areas of focus for the new grant structure. These areas reflect critical humanitarian issues and needs that Rotarians are already addressing worldwide. They will align Rotary with other international development efforts and will strategically further the Foundation's mission. Each of the areas has specific goals associated with the area.

Global Grants Minimum Grant ……………...$ 15,000 Maximum Grant upto ……….$ 200,000 Minimum Project Budget …...$ 30,000 International & Host Rotary Partners Minimum 30% of total contribution from foreign partners Addl. 5% of cash contribution by project sponsor World Fund Match: $1 : $1 District Funds (DDF) $0.50 : $1 Club Generated Funds

$61500 Total: $55500 + $1000 = Grant Amt of $ 117000 Magic of Multiplication Case study: How a global grant gets its finances Local Club: RC Borivli Foreign Club: RC KANSAS CITY Local Club: $ 1000 Dist 3140 : $27000 Kansas Club : $ 1000 Dist 6000 : $30000 TRF matches club: $ 500 TRF Matches Club: $ 500 TRF matches DDF: $27000 TRF matches DDF: $30000 Total: $55500 + $61500 $1000 = Grant Amt of $ 117000

Preparing for Grants Club must be qualified Work with your community to identify a need, how best to address it, and what resources are available Form a 3 person Grant Committee (3 years) Project feasibility report, Get estimates and prepare budget Align activities with the areas of focus Have goals that are measurable & Explain sustainability Identify a foreign partner & have frequent communication Ensure Involvement of Rotarians, Community & partners. Practice proper stewardship of grant funds In the last year of the pilot leading up to global launch, there are many things nonpilot districts can do to prepare for the transition in 2013. Focus your current Foundation program activity in the six areas of focus even before the new grant model is launched for the entire Rotary world. Take full advantage of training opportunities, webinars and resource materials that have been developed to educate Rotarians about Future Vision which are available on the website. The very latest information is also emailed monthly to Rotarians who subscribe on the website to Future Vision News. Consider developing a relationship with a pilot district to share experiences. Ask your regional Rotary Foundation coordinator to connect you with pilot districts. Begin building your district Rotary Foundation committee. District Rotary Foundation committee chairs who will serve for 2013-14 should have been named by 1 July 2012. Try to appoint district Rotary Foundation subcommittee chairs earlier as well so they have time to learn about the new Rotary Foundation grants. Once your club or district has completed a grant project, be sure to report on it promptly. Clubs and districts cannot apply for new grants until they have reported on current grant projects. So it is important to stay up to date. Learn about the grant management training and qualification requirements so that your club and district can be prepared to implement them.

Application Process Club qualifies Club submits Global grant proposal online TRF reviews proposal for initial approval Club submits global grant application District approves online TRF reviews for final approval Sponsor is notified of Grants status

Finding a Partner Project-link Rotary Showcase RI Convention Action Groups related to Area of focus Facebook/ linkedin Past humanitarian projects International meetings/Personal travels Speaking points: With partners, Rotary clubs are able to implement projects they could not do on their own. Partners can include other clubs, districts, The Rotary Foundation, or non-Rotary organizations. For global grants, projects must have a host partner and an international partner from different countries. Both partners should be involved in all stages — from identifying the need to planning the project to implementing it and reporting on it. For scholars, host partners play an important role in identifying a counselor and helping the scholar acclimate to the country. For district grants, clubs can partner with clubs in the district or with other districts and their clubs. Good communication helps keep all partners involved and allows them all to provide oversight. Consider creating new partnerships and expanding Rotary networks. Effective communication with project partners: Establish how and how often you will be in contact to discuss the project. Make sure everyone has correct information, such as email addresses for the club presidents and project committees for all partners. Set up an alternate plan for communication, such as using a webinar, social media, or a teleconference. Discussion questions: What methods have you used to find project partners? What communication strategies worked well for maintaining communication with project partners? PETS 2016

Learn more about TRF and Grants at upcoming To know more Learn more about TRF and Grants at upcoming 1st Grants Management Seminar on 17/4/2016, At Palladium Hotel (RC M.Nariman point). 2nd Grants Management Seminars on 24/4/2016, At IMA Juhu.(RC Bom. Bandra).

Remember The World Needs ROTARY … and … ROTARY needs YOU Remember The World Needs ROTARY … and … ROTARY needs YOU. Participate in Global Grants and make world a better place to live. …. The challenges of bringing peace and understanding to a world full of conflict, ensuring clean water, reliable sources of food, literacy education, polio vaccination, and access to basic health care for the worlds poor are tremendous. But Rotarians through their Foundation are answering these challenges. Through the hard work of tens of thousands of dedicated Rotary Volunteers and the monetary gifts of countless more Rotarians from around the world, Rotary is making the world better…one village, one school, one child at a time.