The Six Essential Elements of Geography Chapter 1, Section 1 Pages 2-8
What is Geography? The study of the physical, biological & cultural features of the Earth’s surface.
What is perspective? The way a person looks at something. Geographers use spatial perspective. Spatial perspective looks for patterns in where things are located on the Earth & how they are arranged and then geographers try to explain these patterns.
The Two Branches of Geography Human Geography looks at the distribution & characteristics of the world’s people. Physical Geography focuses on Earth’s natural environments, which includes landforms, atmosphere, animals, plants, soils, & the processes that affect them.
Subfields of Geography Cartography – map makers Meteorology – weather forecasters
How do we study Geography? We organize information by regions, or areas that share one or more features that make it different from the surrounding areas. Ex. Cities, states, countries, continents, etc. Regions are defined by their human & physical characteristics.
The 6 Essential Elements The World In Spatial Terms Places & Regions Physical Systems Human Systems Environment & Society Uses of Geography
#1 The World in Spatial Terms How to acquire, read, & process information from maps to report information. Examples?
#1 World in Spatial Terms How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments. What are mental maps?
#1 World in Spatial Terms How to analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on Earth's surface.
#2 Places & Regions Looks at the physical & human characteristics of places.
#2 Places & Regions How people create regions to understand the Earth’s complexity.
#2 Places & Regions How culture and experience influence people's perception of places and regions. BIBLE BELT
#3 Physical Systems The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface.
#3 Physical Systems The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems on Earth's surface.
#4 Human Systems The characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface. Why do people live where they do?
#4 Human Systems The characteristics, distributions, and complexity of Earth's cultural. Looks at language, religion, music, dance, etc. Where are these cultures located? How do they help make up the Earth’s culture?
#4 Human Systems The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface.
#4 Human Systems How forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface.
#5 Environment & Society How human actions modify the physical environment.
#5 Environment & Society How physical systems affect human systems.
#5 Environment & Society The changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources.
#6 Uses of Geography How to apply geography to interpret the past. “You can’t understand history without understanding geography.” To apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future.
#6 Uses of Geography What are some uses of Geography? ________________ What are some professions that incorporate Geography? ________________