Russia’s Physical Geography
Physical Geography Russia is the largest country in the world, stretching almost 6,000 miles. The Eurasian Republics lie south of Russia.
Physical Geography Plains cover much of the region. The Ural Mountains separate the European side of Russia from the Asian side of Russia.
Physical Geography Russia has oceans on its northern & eastern borders and mountainous areas along much of the southern & western borders.
Physical Geography Deserts and mountains of Central Asia also provide a border for the republics. These natural barriers help separate Russia and the republics from other countries.
Physical Geography Most of Russia’s coastline lies north of the Arctic circle. Because of that, few ports stay open all year for ships and trade because of the ice and snow.
This makes transportation and trade difficult in Russia.
Land of extreme climates About half of the land in Russia is permafrost. However, parts of Russia can reach 100° in the summer. Large areas of central Asia are desert. Because of these extremes most of the population lives in the western part of the region where the climate is not as harsh.
Land of extreme climates Latitude is the most important factor in climate of a region. In northern Russia, there are no natural barriers to keep arctic winds out.
Land of extreme climates From Moscow north experiences long, dark, snowy winters. St. Petersburg at a latitude of almost 60° N has nearly a month without daylight.
Land of extreme climates In the Tundra only small plants can grow. Permafrost prevents most trees from growing because their roots cannot spread deep under ground.
Land of extreme climates In the Taiga mostly evergreen trees like pines grow. This area provides valuable timber resources.
Land of extreme climates In the semiarid & desert areas only short grasses grow limiting these areas to herding and grazing.
Land of extreme climates Farming is concentrated in the fertile soils of the western plains and steppes along the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and in river valleys.