The differences between the Southern, New England, and Middle Colonies COLONIAL AMERICA 1607-1754 MAJOR THEMES The differences between the Southern, New England, and Middle Colonies
MAJOR THEMES Characteristics of the Puritan Experience (The City Upon a Hill)
MAJOR THEMES The origins of slavery
MAJOR THEMES Indentured servitude and its role in the colonial economy
MAJOR THEMES Economic and political relations between Great Britain and the colonies
KEY TERMS Jamestown Capt. John Smith Pilgrims Puritans Mayflower Compact John Winthrop “City Upon a Hill” Virginia House of Burgesses Proprietorship George Calvert Act of Toleration (1649) Bacon’s Rebellion Headright System Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson Quakers
KEY TERMS William Penn Mercantilism Navigation Acts Triangle Trade Halfway Covenant First Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards Salem (1692) John Peter Zenger Salutary Neglect/ Benign Neglect Predestination Calvinism
Past Essays 2. Compare and contrast the ways in which economic development affected politics in Massachusetts and Virginia from 1607 to 1750.
Past Essays Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society (to 1740) in TWO of the following regions: New England Chesapeake Middle Atlantic
Past Essays How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607-1775?