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English Colonization 1607-1732
13 English Colonies Over 125 years, England develops 13 separate colonies along the east coast of North America Some they develop on their own, some they take over from other countries These 13 colonies can be divided into 3 sections; New England, Middle, and Southern
Southern Colonies Consisted of the 5 southern most colonies Maryland – established in 1632 by Lord Baltimore as a refuge for Roman Catholics
Virginia – established in 1607 by the Virginia Company as a location for tobacco farming
North and South Carolina – established in 1663 as a location for farming
Georgia – established in 1732 by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors and as a barrier from Spanish controlled Florida
Southern Economics Farming conditions were perfect in the South due to fertile soil, long growing seasons, and plenty of rain. The southern economy is based on plantations, or large farms that grow cash crops The major crops during colonization were tobacco, rice, and indigo Slaves were used as the primary labor force in the South
New England Colonies Consisted of the four most northern colonies New Hampshire – established in 1623 as a place for religious freedom
Massachusetts – established in 1620 by the Pilgrims and later developed by the Puritans as a place to practice their religion freely
Connecticut – established in 1636 by Thomas Hooker as an extension of Massachusetts The Connecticut quarter features the Charter Oak tree. In 1662, the Connecticut Colony received its charter from England. In 1687, an agent of the English king arrived at a legislative meeting and demanded the charter, and, with it, control of the colony. Candles in the room went out. When they were relit, the charter was gone. According to tradition, Joseph Wadsworth took the charter and hid it in a nearby oak tree, which later came to be known as the Charter Oak.
Rhode Island – established in 1636 by Roger Williams as a place for religious freedom
New England’s Economy Farming was poor due to rocky soil and long harsh winters (short growing season) New Englander’s depended on fishing, shipbuilding, and lumber to help support themselves Farming was only done in small quantities, known as subsistence farming
Middle Colonies Consisted of the four colonies in between the New England and Southern Colonies New York – established by the Dutch in 1624 as a center for trade, taken over by The Duke of York for England in 1664
New Jersey – established in 1664 when New York was broken into two separate colonies
Pennsylvania – established in 1681 by William Penn as a place where Quakers could practice their religion freely
Delaware – established in 1704 when Pennsylvania was broken into two separate colonies
Middle means Mixture (economics) The Middle Colonies combined aspects of both the Southern and New England way of life Farming was good (like in the south) but not good enough to have slaves (mostly grain farming, known as the Breadbasket Colonies) Many settled here for religious freedom (like all of New England) Trade was the dominate economic activity because merchants could easily get access to products from the New England and Southern Colonies
Your Interpretation Now in your notebook give your interpretation or personal response. Choose ONE of the following You can write a paragraph summary in your own words Write a poem or personal response (your thoughts and opinion) Draw a picture of an event, person, or place