Colonial Societies in the Americas


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Presentation transcript:

Colonial Societies in the Americas

Mercantilism Governments should serve their countries’ economic interests Colonies exist to serve the mother country

Colonial societies differed Differences in the nature of the colonizing power Differences in the economy established in the colony Differences in the character of the Native American cultures The different people who settled in the colony These differences influenced the development of each colony

The Spanish Empire Located in the wealthiest part of the western hemisphere Captured from the Aztecs and Incas 1520s and 1530s Hernando Cortez Francisco Pizarro

Peru And Mexico Economy based on commercial agriculture and silver and gold mining Encomienda System – Spanish government forced Natives to work in fields and mines The Hacienda System – private land owners directly employ Native workers

A New Society Hierarchy determined by class, race, & gender Spanish = 20% of population Creoles – born in New World Peninsulares – born in Spain Mestizo – Mixed Race Native Americans

Brazil and the Caribbean Brazil ruled by Portugal Spanish, British, French, Dutch in Caribbean

Sugar Plantations Millions of slaves imported to produce it 80% of slaves from Africa ended up in Brazil and the Caribbean Nasty work – high death rate By 1800 the vast majority of Brazil had some African blood By 1790, 93% of Haiti had some African blood

British North America Southern Colonies Plantation slavery Tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton Slaves reproduce themselves

British North America Northern Colonies The last colonies to be established Least desirable land

Northern colonies – most unique 90% of colonists were European Very few Native Americans Very few slaves Church and state not so closely united Wide-spread landownership Mass literacy Traditions of local self-government