Urban Future 6 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION WITH CITIES from 1970s to 2020s Lecture series Nov – Dec 2016 Paula Pennanen-Rebeiro-Hargrave, PhD - Urban Geography Photo: UN-Habitat Bangladesh
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Global Urban Lectures SEASON 3 of the Global Urban Lecture Series Lectures are an initiative by UN-Habitat’s partnership with universities worldwide – UNI – to bring the knowledge and experiences of agency’s urban experts to a wide audience. The series reaches the general public and the 185 partner universities of UNI. It is used both for personal further education purposes and professional training. The series consists of 15-minute lectures on urban topics related to the focus areas of UN-Habitat. Lectures links to additional reading material for further study. The 2nd season reached over 50,000 views. http://unhabitat.org/urban-knowledge/urban-lectures/
The New Urban Agenda 2017-2036 OUR DISCUSSION: VISION OF NUA Social fulfillment, rights Participation, public space Gender equality Economic growth for transformation Territ. urban-rural continuum Accessible mobility Urban ecosystems COMMITMENTS PEOPLE-CENTRED DRIVERS OF CHANGE SOC - ECO - ENV OUR DISCUSSION: What is your background or interest in cities? Your review on the Agenda? Values of NUA – ROLE OF CITIES in current global context?
Policy units The Right to the City and Cities for All ocal Governments Policy units The Right to the City and Cities for All Socio-Cultural Urban Framework National Urban Policies Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development Municipal Finance and Local Fiscal Systems Urban Spatial Strategies: Land Market and Segregation Urban Economic Development Strategies Urban Ecology and Resilience Urban Services and Technology Housing Policies Before these 6 Issue Papers which Finnish experts nominated by the Finnish prep committee: • Eeva Furman (SYKE): Urban Ecology and Resilience (Policy Unit 8) • Miimu Airaksinen (VTT): Urban Services and Technology (Policy Unit 9) • Raija Hynynen (YM): Housing Policies (Policy Unit 10) [Available for public review: http://citiscope.org/habitatIII/] the New Urban Agenda