The European Pillar of Social Rights: FRA’s position CoE/FRA/EQUINET/ENNHRI platform on social and economic rights Strasbourg, 28 March 2017
The European Pillar of Social Rights …an opportunity to mainstream in EU policies the social rights of the Charter. Building a more social Europe should inspire EU policies horizontally (art. 9-10 TFEU) EU Charter of fundamental rights should be at the core
The Pillar: an opportunity Review the EU legal framework and its implementation Set up a roadmap with national benchmarks and a monitoring system Provide MS guidance and coordination tools for its implementation
The Pillar: an opportunity Review the EU legal framework and its implementation EU Charter of fundamental rights UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities European Social Charter – Turin process International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights #IndivisibleRights: indivisibility of socio-economic, civil and political rights They all require a certain degree of action by States and certain investment for their full realisation
The Pillar: an opportunity Review the EU legal framework and its implementation Set up a roadmap with national benchmarks and a monitoring system Principles of conferral, subsidiarity and proportionality Dynamic life-cycle approach of the Social Investment Package #MeasureProgress: Structure-Process-Outcome indicators ECEC, schooling, training, employment, life-work balance, pensions
The Pillar: an opportunity Review the EU legal framework and its implementation Set up a roadmap with national benchmarks and a monitoring system Provide MS guidance and coordination tools for its implementation European Semester Sustainable Development Goals #SupportMS: Structural Reform Support Programme
The European Pillar of Social Rights Dignity Trust