News Report A Brave Neighbour THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879 A Brave Neighbour Lorem Ipsum In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sejyrd. Lorem volumus blandit cu has. Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituper atoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, prjyji idew iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vime odio lorem omnes, iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Eaffew proef natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vitup erator ibus. Mei thtehtu ubique alteraf gdg senserit, consul eripuit accusata has net. Eaghgfh pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. repudiandae, his erator ibus. Mei thtehtu ubique alteraf gdg
BACKGROUND Level : KS2 Primary 5 Topic : Knowing your Community Textbook: Step Up Time : 2 weeks for planning 2 week for task
TASK - GENERAL INFORMATION Brief Description: Role-play witnesses at the scene of a bank robbery. Write a news report. Text type: News reports Language focus: When../ ..when... Past continuous tense
TASK - GENERAL INFORMATION Design rationale: To provide students with opportunities to practise and develop their speaking skills and to enrich the content of their writing.
TASK – IMPLEMENTATION Pre-task Introduce the format and content of a news programme Learn about news reports: Features (ppt) Headlines (matching ex) Content (interactive ex & discussion ws) Explain language focus through animation and practise with games (1 or 2).
TASK – IMPLEMENTATION While-task Work in groups. Role-play witnesses at the bank robbery. Report to the police what they saw. Make an online recording (Audioboo) Do peer evaluation & conduct a poll (Google site & Google form)
Task – Implementation Post-task Based on a mind map, students write and print out their news reports. Extended Activity: Organize a class performance on a news programme about the bank robbery.
Outcomes Students Work 1 & 2
Reflection - Learning Active participation Work collaborative to cater learners’ diversity Promote peer learning
Reflection – To Teachers Management of Google platform & students’ account (Audioboo) Problems of hardware and software TSS support: computers, microphones & bandwidth Try-out before the lesson Prepare for the extra microphones Further enhance pupils’ speaking
News Report Thank you THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879 Thank you Lorem Ipsum In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sejyrd. Lorem volumus blandit cu has. Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituper atoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, prjyji idew iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vime odio lorem omnes, iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Eaffew proef natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vitup erator ibus. Mei thtehtu ubique alteraf gdg senserit, consul eripuit accusata has net. Eaghgfh pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. repudiandae, his erator ibus. Mei thtehtu ubique alteraf gdg