James Wong, Senior Project Manager February 6, 2017 City Council Designation of City as Housing-Related Public Entity under Caltrans SR-710 Properties Program James Wong, Senior Project Manager February 6, 2017
SR710 Housing-Related Public Entity Recommendation Find that the recommended action is exempt from CEQA under the General Rule provision. Adopt a resolution designating the City as a housing-related public entity under the Caltrans SR-710 surplus properties disposition program.
SR710 Housing-Related Public Entity Background Caltrans owns 460 surplus 710 right-of-way properties. 126 Pasadena properties 86 SFRs, 11 multifamily properties (39 total units), 22 unimproved residential parcels, and 7 properties w/ non-residential uses. State will sell off the properties in three phases – Phase 1 commenced in Dec. 2016.
SR710 Housing-Related Public Entity Phase 1 3 SFRs in Pasadena (2 occupied, 1 vacant). Caltrans will offer SFR properties for purchase by Priority tenants in the following order: 1) tenants who were the former owners; 2) tenants of low/moderate income who’ve occupied the property for at least 2 years; 3) tenants above moderate income (120% to 150% area median income) who’ve occupied the property for at least 5 years.
SR710 Housing-Related Public Entity SFRs not purchased by Priority occupants, and all other surplus residential properties (including multifamily properties), will be offered to Housing-Related Entities (public and private). Local governments interested in acquiring surplus residential properties from Caltrans must adopt a resolution designating itself as a Housing-Related Public Entity. The designation does not bind the City to take any action on properties offered by Caltrans, but preserves the option to do so.
SR710 Housing-Related Public Entity Staff will evaluate surplus residential properties as they are offered by Caltrans. Best potential affordable housing properties Vacant, non-historic, modest-sized SFRs Multifamily properties Key affordable housing funding limitations Funding is low Funding can only serve up to 120% AMI households