音乐时间 (Music Time) 奥运歌曲《北京欢迎你》
今天的活动 (Today’s Activities) Greeting in Chinese Chinese Pinyin and 4 Tones TED Talks: One Simple Method to learn any language. (Complete the questionaire) Homework: Check out Chinese Teacher’s website Watch a Chinese Pinyin Chant video and fill out the 21 initial handout.
问候 wèn hòu (Greeting) Q: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! (Hello!) A: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo!
自我介紹 (Self-Introduction) Nǐ hǎo Wǒ jiào Q: 你好!我叫张妙文。(My name is 张妙文.) A: 你好!我叫_______。(My name is ___.)
问别人的名字 (Ask someone’s name) A: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! 你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? (What is your name?) B: 我叫________。 Wǒ jiào . A: 我叫________。 Wǒ jiào .
练习说话 liàn xí shuō Huà (Practice Speaking) Say hello to 3 classmates and ask their names and tell them your name in Chinese.
认识新同学 (Know your New Classmates) Memory Game Tā jiào 他/她叫________... Wǒ jiào 我叫 ________。
为什么学外语? (Why Study a Second Language?) Learning Chinese is intellectually challenging and beneficial for your cognitive development You build multitasking skills You stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia Your memory improves You become more perceptive Your decision-making skills improve You improve your English You become a better learner
怎么学好外语? (How to Study a Language well?) Learning like a baby Repetition (keep practicing in your head) Frustration is good Create an environment for yourself A little bit at a time and everyday When you learn a new word, try to use it a few times right away TV shows, movies, newspapers and magazines are a good supplementation.
为什么学中文? (Why Study Chinese?) You can communicate with more than a billion people in Chinese. China, Taiwan, Singapore, (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,, Brunei, the Philippines, and Mongolia). China is the second largest economy in the world. China is one of largest trading partners of the United States. Chinese is quickly becoming the Language of Business (and Tourism). Learning Chinese is intellectually challenging and beneficial for your cognitive development Chinese has no tenses, no cases, no genders and simple grammar Etc.
Community Service Hours opportunity A freshman coming in this year from China, her name is Fiona and her mother speaks no English and she is have a very hard time with English comprehension. I told her I may be able to find a student who would be willing to meet with her when she needs (maybe daily maybe weekly) just going over homework and class work so she understands what’s going on. Izzy Gruby The ambassador for transfer students at Issaquah high school
教室规则 (Classroom Rules) What will the teacher do when a student breaks a rule? Reminder Warning Consequences Chill Out Outside Lose Participation Points Lunch Detention/Call Home Admin Referral/Parent Conference
教室规则 (Classroom Rules) 只说中文 Speak Chinese Only 认真听 Listen Attentively Guess 反复练习说 Practice Speaking Repeatedly 听(1) 说 (2) 读 (3) 写 (4) Listen Speak Read Write 互相帮助学好中文 Help Each Other to Learn Chinese Well 🍎 尊重你自己并尊重别人 Respect Yourself and Respect Others
上课必备文具 (Required Classroom Supplies) 3-hole binder with at least 8 dividers (1) 3-hole binder zip bag (1) to store flash cards Index Cards (1 pack) Thick Black Sharpie (1) and Fine Black Sharpie (1) White Board Markers (various colors)