History of English Student Kuzovkina N. 2-PIN
English is the most important language in the world English is the most important language in the world. Nearly half of the world population speaks English. Millions of people in the world use English as their native language, and millions use it as a second language.
When the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain in the 5th century AD, they brought with them their language: 'English' or, as we call it now, Old English.
Examples of Old English words are: sheep dog work earth field
Two hundred years later, when St Two hundred years later, when St. Augustine brought Christianity to Britain in the 7th century, hundreds of Latin and Greek words were adapted into Old English
Hundreds of Latin and Greek words were adapted into Old English: hymn priest school cook
In the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries, the Viking invaders added their own Norse words
skin leg want same low
Modern English may be said to have begun in 1500
"Henceforth my wooing mind shall be expressed in russet yeas, and honest kersey noes"
Many English words were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons
These words came from all parts of the worlds «umbrella» — from Italian, «skates» —from Dutch» «tea» —from Chinese» «cigar» — from Spanish.
Some words came into English directly from Latin, which was the language of the church and the universities in the Middle Ages.
Some of the English words of today are derivatives Some of the English words of today are derivatives. One way of creating new words is to put together two or more older English words. For example the words «railway», «football», «newspaper» are made in this way.
Many of the new English words — especially new scientific ones — have been made from Latin and Greek words instead of English ones. «Telephone» for instance, was made from Greek words «far» and «talk».
Philip Durkin He was a collector of borrowed words and gathered them into a single dictionary.
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