Collaborative Indian Projects in Physics and Astronomy Ajit Kembhavi IUCAA, Pune, India
Indian Scientific Agencies Department of Atomic Energy Department of Science and Technology Department of Space University Grants Commission Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Indian Scientific Institutions Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Indian Institute of Science, JNCASR BARC, VECC, RRCAT, Saha, IASC, SNBose, JCBose, NPL PRL, IIA, ARIES IUCAA, IUAC, UGC-DAE University Departments
International Collaborations These take various forms: Individual Collaborations Students and Post-doctoral Exchange Collaborative Research Projects Guest Observing programmes Participation in Large Projects Partnership in Large Projects
High Energy Physics Collaborations Long History of collaborations between institutions in India like TIFR with CERN LEP L3, CMS-LHC (Compact Muon Solenoid). India has contributed to the building of the LHC, and now has observer status in CERN. India collaborates with Japan on Accelerator Physics. Theoretical collaborations also exist. Lattice QCD groups in India collaborate with with Japan, Korea, Taiwan China to establish high speed links and to share computer resources.
Guest Observing Programmes Indian astronomers participate in observing with large optical and radio telescopes and space observatories through guest observing programmes and collaborations.
Partnership in International Projects
IUCAA is a partner in the South African large Telescope (SALT), with a seat on the board.
TMT Indian astronomers have proposed being a partner in one of the three Large optical telescope projects, GMT, TMT, ELT.
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