Electronic Services at the Central Library
The Deanship of Library Affairs at King Abdulaziz University endeavors to meet the users’ requests in all basic and applied sciences, in addition to arts and humanities, specializations, in the internet and intranet, through using the latest huge advances in information technologies in this field; so as to coop with the accompanying cultures represented in the possibility of searching for the information while at home or office and without visiting the library. The internet era has been characterized also by the abundance of information and the multiplicity of their sources, a situation that makes the outreach of the specific information very difficult among this huge amount of information spreading allover a big number of information databases.
The Objective of the Deanship of Library Affairs of providing these research services is: availing its all information sources through the internet and intranet. possibility of searching all library resources through one window using the local network. availing unified access to all library electronic resources from inside and outside the library with the possibility of searching, retrieval and providing the current awareness services. providing a link for other libraries electronic websites so as to search their indexes.
The Electronic Virtual Library comprises the following windows: The Electronic Catalogue. The Digital Library.
The Online Catalogue
How to search using the Online Catalogue: The General Search: It provides a free search in the main lists of the online catalogue through writing a word from the following: (name, address or subject). The General Search (address, author, subject) is considered as a free means of search for a research word or text in any one the aforementioned fields.
Look at the portal of King Adulaziz University Digital Library at Deanship of Library Affairs Website:
King Abdulaziz Digital Library (Acknowledge): It provides a unified search in general and specialized databases through one window. To make use of this service, please register first to activate it. It contains more than 60 databases that are ranked by subjects to cover all university academic specializations in about 21993 electronic journal and more than 130 thousands electronic books, in various specializations.
Let us start the registration process according to the following explanation:
The Digital Library (DL+): The Digital Library (DL+) is an advanced system that enables you, in one easy step, to access all electronic databases under the umbrella of a collective subscription (SDL). you can browse and search all electronic databases, journals, books and references. The browsing could be in terms of an alphabetic searching or according to subject. You can also get the international ranking of journals. You can easily configure your own personal digital library through registering in The Digital Library (DL+) and choosing your favourite subject out of 280 main subjects and their branches.
The Library Membership
The Library Membership Service avails to you the obtainment of the Library Membership electronically. All what is required is to fill in your personal data:
Reserving a Class Room:
You can reserve a class room through filling in the required information together with specifying the required time and venue:
The Library Visit Request:
Through this service you can visit The Library by suggesting the required date for the visit.
Suggest a Book:
It is possible to suggest new books through filling in this form:
Ask the Librarian:
Through this service you can easily communicate with The Librarian without the need of visiting The Library; only send your inquiry and you will be answered through your email address.
Reserving a Book:
Through this service you can reserve a book that you can receive when you come to The Library:
The Special Services:
This service embraces a number of those with special needs services:
Reference Resources:
This service contains a number of general and specialized reference resources.
Newly Arrived:
It embraces the latest issues that have been purchased or subscribed in.
Arrives Soon:
It comprises the issues that have requested or subscribed in, and are expected to arrive soon.
Requesting an article from The British Library:
Requesting an article from The British Library: The Deanship of Library Affairs is keen to meet the requirements of the researchers through providing the service of requesting an article from The British Library for all University Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduate researchers. In the case of unavailability of an article within the databases that The University has subscribed in, the researcher finds this service on The Library Website; and he/she should register first. When the registration is complete, the system will activate the subscriber automatically, and provide him/her with a personal username and password. These will be used for access to request the article.
Register for New User Here to Put Your Request No. That Given by the System
Kau Email
Personal Information Request No. Article Information
The Interactive Services:
Allah Bless All