Italian g-2 software discussion Franco Bedeschi G-2 meeting, Pisa April 2017 Outline On-line: Muon runs Double pulse scan System monitoring & diagnostic (slow/fast) Off-line: Calibration preprocessing Integration of calibration information in event reconstruction Integration of calibration info in wa analysis How to handle all other sources of systematics Integration of NA data g-2 meeting, Pisa, April 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
On-line Muons runs No muon runs Load laser board configuration from CR Data flow: Rider data with calorimeter data What happens to NA data? No muon runs Load laser configuration from CR Configuration control Calorimeter/laser selection? Turn on double pulse scan? Fire just sequence of pulses or flight simulator These are special run data that should be clearly tagged g-2 meeting, Pisa, April 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
On-line monitoring Monitoring: Slow control: Basic performance plots updating incrementally Single event display Slow control: Setting configuration parameters Voltages, trip levels, .... General status display; Currents, trip levels, on/off status , temperatures g-2 meeting, Pisa, April 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Off-line Calibration chain for slow calibration: Analyze run data Calibration parameters to DB Reconstruction software retrieves calibration data from DB Calibration chain for fast calibration: Preprocess in-fill data Large data set store partial info during standard calibration chain to be used later (files or DB? If files should be managedthrough DB) Process double pulse data Store best shape parameters in DB Interface fast calibration into wa analysis chain Cell by cell correction recluster regenerate wiggle plot Can we avoid reprocessing whole data set from raw data? Process other no muon data Monitor/check gain calibration evolution g-2 meeting, Pisa, April 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Conclusion Enormous work to be done! Need good coordination with g-2 software team Calorimeters in particular Control of calibration is our major responsibility, however we need good understading of other systematics for wa analysis Unclear how NA data will merge in the calibration data flow g-2 meeting, Pisa, April 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa