SOM 464 Manufacturing Resource Planning Instructor: Richard Gunther Hours: 11 am - 12 noon MW, 6 pm - 7 pm M Office: JH4149 E-mail: Web:
SOM 464: Manufacturing Resource Planning Study of the efficient allocation of resources (material, equipment, people, money) in manufacturing and some service operations How many items should be ordered or made at a given time? Who is assigned which job? How do jobs flow through the firm? How is inventory maintained?
Manufacturing Resource Planning: Flow of Materials Raw Materials Flow into Manufacturing/Service Company. Finished Goods/Services Distributed to End Customers. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the Study of this Linked Chain of Activities. Manufacturing Resource Planning (or Materials Management) is the Study of the Planning and Materials Flow.
Manufacturing Resource Planning: Flow of Materials Supply Chain Diagram: Supplier Manufacturer Distribution Customer System
Tuffy Teddy Bear Case Case introduces you to course material. Case involves production planning, inventory, and forecasting. Class will be divided into teams of 3 to 4. Read case for next week. Teams can meet in before next week to plan strategy. Next week teams will get a chance to test their strategy.
Tuffy Teddy Bear Case Objective: Minimize costs of inventory holding (storage) but avoid running out of stock. Team with minimum cost wins. Cost results not graded. Good luck!