Module 8.1 Ethical Scenarios Participation points for Monday 7/25 – 25 pts. Please read the entire presentation. For each scenario - think about the issue and answer the questions asked. We start with a review of Assignment 2 – “Making an ethical decision” to discuss some of the scenario. The five steps in making an ethical decision are: Recognize an Ethical Issue Get the Facts Evaluate Alternative Actions Make a Decision and Test it Act and Reflect on the Outcome Submit into D2L dropbox by Mon. 7/25 called ONLINE July 25 PP
Objectives: Identify ethical considerations and apply ethics in scenarios and case studies Identify and use resources for keeping up with the profession Discuss the relevance of freedom of speech and intellectual property rights to computing and software engineering
Scenario 1 - Identify ethical considerations and apply ethics in scenarios and case studies The company you work for has a license for 25 copies of a computer program. You are responsible for software licensing. You discover that it is installed on 80 computers. Scenario 1. Recognize and discuss the ethical issue. What do you do? Take a moment to discuss the options open to you. Evaluate the alternative actions
Scenario 2. Are you ethically obligated to do something about the following? Explain your point of view. Suppose you are a member of a team working on a computer-controlled crash-avoidance system for automobiles. You think the system has a flaw that could endanger people. The project manager does not seem concerned and expects to announce the completion of the project soon. Remember to: Recognize an Ethical Issue Get the Facts Evaluate Alternative Actions
Scenario 3. Discuss your professional responsibility for the scenario below with one of the code of ethics. State the code of ethics and it’s source. While following a link from a search engine, a self-employed Internet security consultant accidentally and innocently discovers that a local company has a security problem that allows confidential files to be visible to outsiders. He makes printed copies of several of the most confidential documents and sends them to the CEO of the company along with a cover letter offering his services for hire.
Scenario 4. Think about what history educates us on when you discuss the following. Explain why a speech that most people would consider hateful is protected by the First Amendment. (Note: I already know that speech is protected. I want to know why this protection was considered so important that it is written into the Constitution.)
Scenario 5. Discuss a careful ethical analysis of the following argument. Some “hackers” assert that it is not wrong to break into computer systems if no harm is done, and that it may even be helpful because it exposes security weaknesses.
There is a theory of privacy that incorporates key elements of the three classic theories: non-intrusion, non-interference, control over/restricted access to personal information. Scenario 6. Give an example of each of these elements.
Scenario 7. Explain how the privacy and confidentiality is: expected? Allowed? Legally binding? On the internet………
Program Outcomes from this course: Recognize professional responsibility and the application of ethical principles. Recognize the impact their discipline has on society. Scenario 8. What part of this course has helped you to recognize the above?