Still Lifes in Art History Thumbs Up if You think it is a good example Thumbs Down if You think it is a bad example
Pompeian painter, Still life with glass bowl of fruit and vases (around 70 AD)
Hans Memling, Vase mit Blumen (1480)
Albrecht Durer, A Young Hare, (1503)
Juan Sánchez Cotán, Quince, Cabbage, Melon and Cucumber (1602)
Pieter Claesz, Still Life with Museum Instruments, (1623)
Willem Kalf, Still Life with Lemon Peel, (1640s)
Edward Manet Carnations and Clematis in a Crystal Vase (1883)
William Michael Harnett Still life Violin and Music (1888)
Vincent Vangogh, Sunflowers, (1888)
Paul Cezanne, Pommes et Oranges (1899)
Henri Matisse, Blue Still Life (1907)
George Braque, Violin and Candlestick Paris (spring 1910)
Pablo Picasso, Compotier avec fruits, violon et verre (1912)
Georgia O’Keefe, Red Canna (1923)
Andy Warhol, After the Party (1979)
Breaking Up Space
Rule of Thirds-Focal Point Off Center
Asymmetrical Balance
Seventy Five % Positive Space
Printmaking A fine art method in which an inked relief image is transferred to a surface.
Printmaking Tools Block/Printing Plate
Printmaking Tools Ink Brayer
Common Mistake It is not drawing the negative. NOT THIS
Common Mistakes It is drawing the highlights. THIS!
Project Steps Practice drawing your object from several views. Select a strong composition Draw on paper the same size as foam 4) Lay paper over foam sheet 5) Pressing firmly using a blunt pencil, go over all lines 6) Take off paper and use pencil to refine any areas. 7) Print Image
Printing a Plate SMOCKS!!!! Name on back of All Papers FIRST!!! Share a Printing Station Clean Fingers! No Smudges! Put Finished Prints IMMEDIATELY on Drying Rack!
Printing Station
Squeeze: Schticky: Spread: Stick: Spoon 1. Squeeze out a line of ink 3. Spread/ Roll across plate 5. Spoon across in circles 2. Schticky Sound when ink rolled out on plastic down the plate to the paper 4. Stick plate down onto paper
Clean Up Printing Workday Wash printing plates in left side of sinksink Wash brayer in running water- roller, sides of roller and arm of roller! Throw away liner. Wipe down tables Wash Hands Last.