Community Engagement
Pillars of Community Engagament Presentation Outline Pillars of Community Engagament Matsapha Context Community Engagement Challenges & Opportunities 1 2 3
Pillars of Community Engagement
Definition planned process with the specific purpose of working with identified groups of people, to address issues affecting their well-being the connections between governments, citizens and communities on a range of policy, program and service issues
Principles Continuous Improvement Transparency Inclusiveness Resourcing Evaluation Timeliness Feedback Diversity Integrity Clarity
Role Players Community Councilors Executive
Consultation Pillars
Matsapha Community Engagement
Enabling Legislation & Policy Urban Government Act 1969 Part IX - Municipal Funds Rating Act 1995 Part II – Rating of Immovable Property Part III - Valuation Part IV - Assessment And Collection Of Rates Integrated Development Plan Matsapha Community Consultation & Engagement Policy
Matsapha Approach - Fragmentation Land Use / Categories Number Of Contribution Rates Industrial 426 48.06% Commercial 64 5.7% Residential 657 14.7% Commercial Residential 14 1.67% Large Scale Farming 8 0.6% Small Scale Farming 41 1.53% Government 128 27.35 Staff Housing 16 0.31% Total 1 354 100%
Fragmentation Engagement differs for the different stakeholders stated above: Business Federations Rate Payers Associations Wards Community committees
Challenges & Opportunities
Challenges Low attendance Lack of civic education Rate payers residing outside the country Communication failure due to sending representatives Misconception – Objecting / submitting means that view ill be adopted
Opportunity The following opportunities can be made possible: Tapping into popular communication mediums; Forums to complement town’s programmes; Strengthening of existing policies and plans; Grouping of stakeholders according to sector during meetings e.g. residential, food handlers, manufacturers.
Information Sharing Techniques News Letter, seminars and training workshops, media publications, facebook, twitter, instagram, annual performance report, website, audit report, IDP & Budget submissions, sms, ward meetings, whatsapp, etc.
Conclusion Effective community engagement will lead to: Better informed decisions; Greater understanding of decisions made through and inclusive process; Increased capacity for the community and Councilors, develop skill and confidence in collaborative engagement and decision making processes.
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