Ukraine’s financial contributions as Associate Member State Kasia Pokorska Finance and Administrative Processes Department CERN – Ukraine Working Group - 16 June 2017
Overview: Ukraine‘s contributions 2016-2018 Ukraine became an Associate Member State on 5 October 2016 and will pay the statutory minimum contribution of 1 MCHF in 2018 as provided for in Council Resolution CERN/3082/RA. 16/06/2017
Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated? (1) 16/06/2017
Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated? (2) 16/06/2017
Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated? (3) 2018 example 2018 = Y+1 NNIy-4 NNIy-3 NNIy-2 EXy-4 EXy-3 EXy-2 Average NNIy-4, y-2 in CHF = (NNIy-4 * EXy-4 + NNIy-3 * EXy-3 + NNIy-2 * EXy-2) / 3 Average NNIy-4, y-2 in CHF Theoretical contribution for the year N+1 = * 100 % Total Average NNIy-4, y-2 for ALL Member States 16/06/2017
Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated? (4) Source of the data for 2018 calculation Net National Income at factor cost No NNI available for Ukraine Instead Gross Domestic Product is used as published by Ukraine National Institute of Statistics excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, since 2014-2015 - excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the anti-terrorist operation zone the NNI values for Ukraine have been estimated by applying an NNI/GDP ratio of 71.84% for 2013, 71.68% for 2014 and 71.77% for 2015 NNI/GDB ratios are calculated as a weighted average for ALL Member States publishing there NNI 16/06/2017
Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated Details: How is the theoretical contribution in % calculated? (5) Source of the data for 2018 calculation Exchange rate CHF to UAH the average exchange rates for the years 2013 to 2015 published by the National Bank of UKRAINE. 16/06/2017
Publication dates for Scale of Contributions Council approves the Scale of Contributions for the Member States for the year Y+1 in June of the year Y The Scale of Contributions for Associate Member States is not a subject of the approval but of a mutual agreement between CERN and AMS Council approves the Cost Variation Index for the year Y+1 in December of the year Y This overall CVI is applied to ALL member and associate states contributions according to the “corridor” principle 0-2% 16/06/2017
Payment schedule (according to CERN Financial Rules) Schedule and deadlines for the call-up of contributions for the year Y+1 The date for call-up of contributions is announced in the document Scale of Contributions approved by the Council in June of the year Y A letter regarding the amount of the contribution due is sent to each Member and Associate State on the date as described above Usually around the Council week in December of the year Y Payment schedule (according to CERN Financial Rules) 50% no later than 10th February of the year Y+1 The remaining 50% no later than 10th June of the year Y+1 16/06/2017
Status of payments of contributions 16/06/2017