Welcome to 6th Grade Science Laura Bannach Jefferson Middle School Rm. 276 laura.bannach@apsva.us
Topics of Study Chemistry Astronomy Energy Water Weather
Class Materials Textbook iPad – Canvas platform
IB Science Criteria / Grading Knowing and understanding (20%) – Tests Inquiring and designing (15%) – Experimental design Processing and evaluating (15%) – Managing data and drawing conclusions Reflecting on the impacts of Science (10%) – Why is this important in the real world? Classwork – 25% Homework – 5% Quizzes – 10%
Tests One major test per unit Study guide distributed in advance Retakes allowed with teacher permission
Late and Missing Assignments Accepted until end of each quarter Check StudentVUE/ParentVUE for up-to-date grades
Science Fair! Spring fair (right before spring break) Partner or group projects Entirely done in-school
Contact Me! Email is best – Laura.Bannach@apsva.us