Syed Sohail Ahmed Assistant Professor, UET Taxila Control Engineering Syed Sohail Ahmed Assistant Professor, UET Taxila
Course Objectives Course Objective: This course strikes the balance between theory and practice. While the undergraduate student needs a firm foundation in the theoretical aspects of the subject, it is also important that he or she be exposed to real world of engineering design. The reason for this approach is twofold. First, an introduction to real world problems serves as an motivating factor. Second, it eases the transition from academia to industry.
Course Objectives Following are the main goals for this course. To guide the students through the key steps involved in system identification and system simulation To provide a hands-on experience in extracting mathematical models from raw input-output data, with emphasis from a user viewpoint To familiarize the students with some common and important functions collected within the System Identification Toolbox of MATLAB. To expose the student to acquisition of real data from a real physical system of their choice, and to go through the entire modeling and simulation process. Concerned with the analysis and design of a closed-loop systems.
Pre Requisites Prerequisites by Topic: Basic concepts in Linear Algebra Laplace Transform Basics of MatLab
Course Staff Instructor: Teaching assistant: Syed Sohail Ahmed Mr. Tel: 051-9047592 Email: Teaching assistant: Mr. Tel: Email:
Course Discussion Forum Discussion / mailing list Discussions, queries, announcements, everything! Web page to join the group: Click on “Join this group” You must provide name & roll no in your request
Course Schedule Class lectures Lab Sessions Midterm exam Thurs :11:30 am – 1:45 pm. Sat: 10:45 – 11:30 am Lab Sessions Mon: 8:30 – 10:45 am (G2) Sat: 8:30 – 10:45 am (G1) Midterm exam Tentative: Mid of May’2008
Assessment and Grading Quizzes 05% Labs 05% Assignments 05% 6 (or more) assignments will be given Late assignments are not accepted! Midterm exam 10% Final exam 100%
Marking Policy Relative marking: marks are given according to the class standing of a student Average marks of the class will be approx centered around 70. Approx 10% of the top students will get More than 90.
Assignments / Projects Its your responsibility to regularly check the course yahoogroup for important notifications Assignments will usually contain: Questions on course topics, research papers, etc. Late assignment / project is not accepted
Lab Sessions/MATLAB Lab sessions will be conducted by the TA These sessions must be attended by all the students.
Academic Honesty Your work in this class must be your own For the first infraction, all involved students will receive 0 marks If they are found to have collaborated excessively or to have cheated e.g. by copying or sharing answers during an assignment, project or examination Further infractions will result in failure in the course
Course Material Reference books Lot of research papers! Web resources No single textbook covers the whole course! Lot of research papers! Many will be recommended and given in assign Web resources Tutorials, white papers, reports, etc.
Text Books Phillips & Harbor, FeedBack Control Systems, 1st/3rd/4th edition (Prentice-Hall) References: Richard C. Dorf & Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 8th edition (Addison–Wesley Series) J . J . D’Azzo, FeedBack Control System Analysis & Synthesis,2nd edition (McGraw- Hill)
Course Contents Introduction of Linear Control systems Models of Physical systems Mason’s Gain Formula State Variable Modeling Simulation Diagrams System Responses Time and Frequency Response specifications
Course Contents Stability Analysis Stability by Simulation Control Systems Characteristics Steady state accuracy Root-Locus Techniques Root-Locus Design Frequency Response Analysis Bode Diagrams Nyquist Criterion
What do you want (or expect) to learn from Expectations What do you want (or expect) to learn from this class ?
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