Facts on women’s entrepreneurship in Sweden New enterprises: women account for 35 per cent of all new business starters Self-employment: 5 per cent of the women in the working force are self-employed Attitudes towards entrepreneurship: 3 out of 10 young women (18-30 years) would rather be self-employed than employed Sources: ITPS, Eurostat (Labour Force Surveys), Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
If more women were to start and run businesses it… strengthen Swedish economy and development would increase the number of women that can be recruited as board members and managing directors could lead to increased diversity in the service sector, such as health care and education, that is now partly opened up for private competition
How is it promoted? General actions Targeted actions Lucky Look
Some general actions Abolishment of wealth tax Tax relief for household services Work in order to reduce the administrative burdens on companies with 25 percent by 2010 Strengthening the incentives to employ
Promoting entrepreneurship in the health care and nursing sector Increasing the maximum level of micro-loans Improving the social security system for entrepreneurs Investigating the possibility to introduce a new form of limited liability company with simpler regulation and lower equity requirements
Targeted actions National programme Research Improved statistics Ambassadors for women’s enterprise Measures to increase the number of women as board members
National programme to promote women’s enterprise Objective: More business starts among women and increased growth in companies run by women Budget: 100 million SEK a year, 2007-2009 National coordinator: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.
The national programme Information, advice and business development Actions in existing entrepreneurial programmes Development of financial opportunities Attitudes and role models Lucky Look
1. Information, advice and business development Business and innovation development measures at regional level Training of business advisers Development of internet-based services Start-up days
2. Actions in existing entrepreneurial programmes Ownership-change programme National entrepreneurial programme National mentorship programme
3. Development of financial opportunities Innovation financing Business angel networks Analysis of the government supply of capital Service innovation contest
4. Attitudes and role models Making women’s enterprise more visible Promoting business women as role models Make existing actors and networks available for more business women
Ambassadors for women’s enterprise Role models for women’s enterprise 880 business women from all parts of Sweden, who represent a great variety of branches They are to inspire others by sharing their stories and experiences as entrepreneurs
Increased knowledge about women’s enterprise Research programme 2007–2009 Improved access to sex- disaggregated company statistics Lucky Look
Board member programme for women 200 women will be part of a mentorship programme and will be given a grant for further studies
For more information about… … the programme: www.tillvaxtverket.se … the ambassadors: www.ambassadorer.se … the research: www.vinnova.se … the board member programme for women: www.almi.se Overall information on the government's work for women's enterprise: www.regeringen.se/foretagande Contact person at the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication Soledad Aguilar Oddershede, soledad.aguilar@entreprise.ministry.se