COMENIUS SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP PROJECT All the Rivers Go To Sea 2009-2010 Pre-test Results
QUESTION 1 According to the survey % 72 of the students involved in the project survey know that the rivers Euphrates and Tigris belong to Turkey.
% 55 of the students know that the river Seine belongs to France. QUESTION 1 % 55 of the students know that the river Seine belongs to France.
QUESTION 1 % 58 of the students know that the river Vltava belongs to Czech Republic.
% 45 of the students know that the river Bodrog belongs to Slovakia. QUESTION 1 % 45 of the students know that the river Bodrog belongs to Slovakia.
% 46 of the students know that the river Po belongs to Italy. QUESTION 1 % 46 of the students know that the river Po belongs to Italy.
QUESTION 2 % 58 of the students think that they are going to have the opportunity to work with friends who have different cultures and nationalities.
QUESTION 3 % 76 of the students know that Sardine fish can live in the seas of Italy , Turkey and France.Because these 3 countries are surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea.
QUESTION 4 % 61 of the students know that the living being whose male gets pregnant and gives birth is the seahorses.
QUESTION 5 % 71 of the students know that Turkey and Italy has the Mediterranean Sea.
QUESTION 6 % 26 of the students know that a plastic bottle in seas decomposes in 450 years.
% 90 of the students know that Rome is the capital city of Italy. QUESTION 7 % 90 of the students know that Rome is the capital city of Italy.
% 83 of the students know that Prague is the capital city of Czech . QUESTION 7 % 83 of the students know that Prague is the capital city of Czech .
% 91 of the students know that Paris is the capital city of France . QUESTION 7 % 91 of the students know that Paris is the capital city of France .
QUESTION 7 % 84 of the students know that Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia .
% 85 of the students know that Ankara is the capital city of Turkey . QUESTION 7 % 85 of the students know that Ankara is the capital city of Turkey .
QUESTION 8 % 35 of the students think about water when they first hear the title of our project ‘‘All the rivers go to sea’’ .
% 89 of the students recognize the flag of Czech Republic. QUESTION 9 % 89 of the students recognize the flag of Czech Republic.
% 77 of the students recognize the flag of Italy. QUESTION 9 % 77 of the students recognize the flag of Italy.
% 91 of the students recognize the flag of Turkey. QUESTION 9 % 91 of the students recognize the flag of Turkey.
% 83 of the students recognize the flag of Slovakia. QUESTION 9 % 83 of the students recognize the flag of Slovakia.
% 3 of the students recognize the flag of France. QUESTION 9 % 3 of the students recognize the flag of France.
QUESTION 10 % 52 of the students know that the river Po flows into the Adriatic Sea.
QUESTION 10 % 42 of the students know that the rivers Euprates and Tigris flow into the Persian Gulf.
QUESTION 10 % 46 of the students know that the river Vltava flows into the North Sea.
QUESTION 10 % 42 of the students know that the river Bodrog flows into the Black Sea.
QUESTION 10 % 38 of the students know that the river Seine flows into the English Channel.