Can you afford a women-free board? Monic Zents Director Diversity & Inclusiveness BeNe
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Ask the better question
Lessons learned What can companies do to support the advancement of women in their careers, in order to promote gender equality? What can men do to support the advancement of women in their careers, in order to promote gender equality? What can women do to support the advancement of women in their careers, in order to promote gender equality?
Enabling the path to leadership 50% women in supervisory board 14% women partners in 2015 from 3% in 2005 Enabling the path to leadership 72% employees using formal and informal flexibility 79% GPS 2015 engagement index – almost equal for men and women 80% women feel that EY prepares them to work effectively Representation maintained across majority levels High level of sponsorship from SL Leaders Career Watch for high potential women / Role Models / Women Leadership Program Professional Boards Forum- Non executive board positions Women on Board – Access to Sr. Leaders from the Industry
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