Studies for the Development of the RIS Operability along the Northern Italy Waterway System Studies for the Development of the RIS Operability along the Northern Italy Waterway System: Project Overview Stefania Sorze, LP: Sistemi Territoriali SpA Mantova 19 October 2012
Scope of the project 2 Drafting of a plan for the implementation of RIS along the entire NIWS Testing and implementation of RIS pilot project along a defined stretch of the NIWS, that will be used for the future application of the RIS system along the entire NIWS Increase NIWS efficiency through vessels tracking and tracing, locks remote control Increase NIWS competitiveness and convenience for operators making navigation quicker and safer. Increase NIWS safety for barges and vessels by monitoring their locations, loads, journeys, reducing environmental hazards and improving transport sustainability Implement a training system for skilled operators in the use of RIS technology. The main goal of the project is to draft a plan for the implementation the River Information Services along the Po River. The project activities are designed to evaluate the current situation along the Po river in order to identify the fitting RIS tools to be implemented. The results of the feasibility study will be used to design a RIS prototype that will be realized and tested along a defined stretch of the Po River. Finally a series of recommendations will be drafted for the full application of the RIS system along the entire Po River. We must not forget that in order to sustain the technical part of the project, a legal and organizational structure defining the roles and responsibilities of the authorities involved will have to be carried out. The adoption of the RIS system will increase Northern Italy’s Waterways efficiency through boat movement control and locks remote control. The monitoring of vessel position, load and journey will increase vessel safety and improve transport sustainability. Employing a RIS simulator for the training of skippers and ground personnel in the use of RIS technology will create skilled and efficient operators. 2
Global Project goals 3 Developing the Northern-Italy waterway system as a part of a global multimodal network supporting and completing corridors I and V creation of a Trans-European multimodal axis including waterway and sea transport interconnected with road and rail transport reinforcing the east-west connection of Northern Italy and Balkan Area towards the Danube and Black sea Creation of an efficient and sustainable connection of continental Europe with the Mediterranean sea ports by rail (Brenner) – waterway – short-sea-shipping / Motorways of the sea reduction of road traffic congestion and CO2 emissions in the Po Plain through a modal shift from road transport to the more environmentally friendly waterway transport A more efficient and safer Northern Inland Waterway System will play an important role in the global European multimodal network in completing corridors I and V where sea transport is well connected with road and rail transport facilitating modal shifts and reinforcing the east-west connection between Italy and the Balkan area. The increased efficiency of inland waterway transport will favour a modal shift from road transport, reducing CO2 emissions in the highly industrialized Po River area. 3
Project Budget 4 The budget breakdown is shown here. The global project budget is just over €5 million euros, half of which is funded by the Trans European Transport Network Executive Agency and the other half by the Italian Republic. 4
Activity 1 Project Management, Communication & Dissemination 5 Coordinator: Sistemi Territoriali SpA Involvement of all partners Tasks: Administrative management Financial management Dissemination strategy Expected Results: Effective project management Effective Communication and dissemination strategy Activity one concerns the administrative and financial management of the project whose chief goal is to ensure that all the administrative and financial duties are carried out in compliance with contractual requirements. The dissemination strategy will ensure the project is properly publicized in compliance with EU regulation. 5
Activity 2 Technical Study & Design 6 Coordinator: AIPO Involvement of all partners Tasks: Definition and analysis of all relevant problems; identification of appropriate RIS tools to be implemented Definition of main system requirements Functional definition of RIS System for the Po River Interconnectivity of RIS System with port communication Systems Definition of RIS prototype (insieme alla prossima slide) This activity includes the technical studies whose results will be used in the final design of the RIS system and prototype. 6
Activity 2 Technical Study & Design 7 Expected Results: Definition of the current state of the NIWS Final design of the RIS System Final design of RIS prototype Developed RIS System software requirements and Design 7
Activity 3 Organization – Legal Innovation – Feasibility Plan 8 Coordinator: Province of Mantova Involvement of all partners Tasks: Definition of the governance and management schemes: legal, political, economic framework of the project, role of the authorities Study for the feasibility and development implementation of RIS (Insieme alla slide successiva) This activity includes the legal and economic sustainability studies of the RIS System. It will define the organizational and governance scheme of the RIS System for its implementation. 8
Activity 3 Organization – Legal Innovation – Feasibility Plan 9 Expected Results: Definition of governance and management schemes Defined legal framework for System implementation Defined proposal for the adoption of the RIS directive (2005/44/CE) Cost-benefit analysis for System implementation
Activity 4 RIS Ship Simulator Development 10 Coordinator: Venice Port Authority Involvement of all partners Tasks: Definition of the specifics for the RIS simulator to support skipper training in the use of the RIS System Implementation of the Simulator Expected Results: Implemented RIS simulation software Defined training modules This activity will define the specifics for a RIS simulator that will be implemented for the training of specialized personnel in the use of RIS tools, including skipper training for the use of on-board RIS technology. 10
Activity 5 Pilot Implementation 11 Coordinator: Sistemi Territoriali SpA Involvement of all partners Tasks: RIS system implementation: translation of system requirements to technical solution Test site for implementation Expected Results: Implementation of the RIS pilot system prototype This activity will determine a test site for the implantation of the RIS pilot system prototype, the set up of control centers and peripheral work stations, some vessels will be equipped with onboard RIS tools in order to test the RIS prototype on the small scale. 11
Activity 6 System Integration & Validation 12 Coordinator: Sistemi Territoriali SpA Involvement of all partners Tasks: Evaluation of the RIS System functionality and its impact on NIWS Guideline definition for full RIS System implementation along the Po River Expected Results: Functional integration and validation of the system Certified system functionality RIS impact evaluation report This activity includes the final integration of the RIS prototype and its validation in order to verify its functional integration, interoperability and impact on the Northern Italy Waterways. 12
RIS Prototype 13
Casale Monferrato – Ravenna - Trieste Global RIS-AREA Casale Monferrato – Ravenna - Trieste 14
RIS Simplified Architecture 15
On Board Architecture 16
RIS Centre & Base Stations 17
Base station 18
VHF existing infrastructure and coverage 19
Prototype minimal item-list 20
RIS - Services 21
Key Technologies 22