Student support- How can we and you support students? Pastoral Support: Miss Whitlock (Year Leader Year 11) Mrs Gaskell (KS4 Pastoral Manager) 2. ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ 3. Get students into a routine. 4. Attendance. Form Tutors A = Mrs Peeters C = Miss Dawton E = Mr Wilcox M =Miss Hart N = Ms Ebbs P = Mrs Latimer S = Mr Ledwidge T = Mr Goodwin
The Student Room -https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ Revision Ideas Get Revising – A great resource to create a revision timetable https://getrevising.co.uk/ The Student Room -https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ How can students revise? Mind Maps Cue Cards Cover and Check Question and Answer Online resources e.g. Quizlet, My PE Exam YouTube videos – English - ‘Mr Bruff’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch-XgnluOf4&list=PLqGFsWf-P-cAlttmXkEvJXCxqT-ZzFqAN
ESSAY TITLE: Compare the presentation of nature in ‘The Prelude’ and one other poem. KEY WORDS: TECHNIQUE IMPLIES PRESENTS WRITER READER POET SUGGESTS EMPHASISES CONNOTATION EFFECT HIGHLIGHTS ENGAGEMENT TASK: READ the poem through twice and turn over the page RECALL quotations with the person next to you and SHARE ideas to help you answer the question
I struck and struck again, And growing still in stature the grim shape Towered up between me and the stars, and still, For so it seemed, with purpose of its own And measured motion like a living thing, Strode after me.
Studied poetry clusters Conflict and power Shelley Ozymandias Blake London Wordsworth The Prelude: stealing the boat Robert Browning My Last Duchess Alfred Lord Tennyson The Charge of the Light Brigade Wilfred Owen Exposure Seamus Heaney Storm on the Island Ted Hughes Bayonet Charge Simon Armitage Remains Jane Weir Poppies Carol Ann Duffy War Photographer Imtiaz Dharker Tissue Carol Rumens The Émigrée Beatrice Garland Kamikaze John Agard Checking Out Me History Comment on content, options, skills and approaches that are relevant to this question paper. .
• how Shakespeare presents Macbeth in this speech Starting with this speech, explain how far you think Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a hero. Write about: • how Shakespeare presents Macbeth in this speech • how Shakespeare presents Macbeth in the play as a whole. CAPTAIN Doubtful it stood, As two spent swimmers that do cling together And choke their art. The merciless Macdonwald— Worthy to be a rebel, for to that 10 The multiplying villanies of nature Do swarm upon him—from the Western Isles Of kerns and gallowglasses is supplied, And fortune, on his damnèd quarrel smiling, Showed like a rebel’s whore. But all’s too weak, 15 For brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name— Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valor’s minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave; 20 Which ne'er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements. WRITER’S METHODS LANGUAGE: simile – brave but respects authority. Verb –violent, brutal, powerful, butcher FORM: limits of 17th C theatre, post battle excitement through recounting plot STRUCTURE: First impressions of Macbeth, from another’s perspective IDEAS: admired, reputation, man of action ATTITUDES: violence way of life FEELINGS: disgust, hatred
Mathematics 9-1 GCSE Formulae have to be learnt Introduction of some harder topics Fewer questions are scaffolded – students have to plan their way through questions Students have to remember everything from Year 7 to 11
Mathematics 9-1 GCSE All grades are possible! Students found the jump from grade 4 to 5 difficult
Mathematics 9-1 GCSE
Timeline for applications to our International 6th Form. Phase 1 AES Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 23rd November 2017 Sixth Form application deadline – Friday 30th November 2017 (application form available online) Phase 2 AES Year 11 students – January Course Counselling interviews New Applicants – interviews December/January Timetable ‘best fit’ – any clashes discussed in March Lower Sixth Induction Day – 25th June 2018 Final Course Counselling – 24th August 2018 13
‘Top Tips’ from former Year 11 students’ parents “The biggest thing we did to support Emma was testing her from the revision guides. It's a boring process and takes time but definitely makes a difference - stops them just staring at the pages with nothing going in ” “Henry wrote out timelines for History, which he made me test him on before he could go out at the weekends with his friends” “Eleanor worked on loads of past papers that she discussed with her teacher- I then went through the paper with her using the mark scheme” “I also made him watch DVDs of Lord of The Flies and Macbeth to support him with his English- These were a Christmas present!”. “Lucy stuck post it notes to a number of the walls in our house, with key quotes for English and with key information on from other subjects so that she looked at these almost everyday”