„Presentation of the organisation Fundacja Sławek „Presentation of the organisation for P.R.E Project” Budapest 9-11.11.2015
Who we are? "We are here to help others" - is our motto. Slawek Foundation is a non-profit NGO realizing difficult mission of assistance to people in prison, former prisoners, youngsters, disabled persons and their families. It operates since 1998. From the very beginning Foundation is focusing on individual approach and comprehensive support to its beneficiaries. The organization was founded by the Łagodziński family and during 17 years has developed a number of programs and support models to allow effective social and vocational rehabilitation of offenders.
Slawek is the name of first prisoner that recived complex help from the Foundation. 16 years ago when Slawek was relesed from prison, he was homeles, jobles, alcohol addicted and has no future perspective. Now he is happy father with loving family, he have onest job and peaceful home. He is not drinking and did not return to criminal activity.
Our Programs Nowadays Slawek Foundation runs its statutory objectives thrue more than 25 programs on penitenciary and post penitenciary aid field. Below you can see some examles of this programs:
„Testimonies” Former prisoners who have made changes in their lives in freedom are giving speeches in prisons about how once they lived and through which decisions their life has changed
„Individual talks” Individual meetings with prisoners in the prison cell, about topics that they don’t want to talk in group.
„Guardian Angel” Former prisoners assist people who are currently serving their sentences for the pass (often the first after 20 or more years).
„From Guardian Angel to… Africa” With Simba Friend Foundation we runned the polish aid project „Hepl Africa” in Kenia. Former prioners now becob volounteers that helps others to improove their lifes.
„Read Me…” Program for children of parents in prisons during which offenders read stories for their children, provide them words of love and support. Fairy tales are recorded on a CD and sent to their families
Families meetings in prison Slawek Foundation in colaboration with Prison Service and other NGO’s is organising famlily meetings between prisoners, their childrens and families in ocasion of Christmas or Easter holidays, fathers and mothers day etc. Our volounteers are running special programas, fairytalles plays, competitions, artistic animations and much more ;)
Artistic workshops Proffesors and students from Polish Art Academy, our volounteers and artists are working with prisoners during the artistic workshops. This is what we call art-theraphy.
Theatre plays There are diffrent plays that we prepered with prisoners. The bigest was „Forbiden faces” - play based on the thrue story of actors/prisoners. We also run theatre group „C-4” and many others….
Family Counselling Program that provides instant access to former prisoners and their families to psychological, educational, civic, professional counselling and mediation.
Correspondence As part of the work of family counselling several volunteers are responding to correspondence between Foundation and convicted. We are reciving aproximately 700 letters/year.
Volounteers Duty Voounteers are working in the Foundation and in the prisons.
Proffesional courses and trainings. Many prisoners"had no time" or possibility to gain profession in the past. Vocational courses allow them to get job and professional knowledge.
Job practices Practice in our social economy enterprises, garage "Fun Service" and brigades repair and construction allow prisoners to verify their knowledge and extend skills.
Addiction therapy Persons living for many years in prison after relesed often need psychological support. Many of them are addicted to drugs, alcohol or other substances psychosocial. Slawek Foundation provides such suport.
Psychosocial trainings Aggression Replacement Training (training anger control, pro-social skills training, moral reasoning training) Workshops to cope with stress
Probation Persons who have committed a crime or offense at risk of sentence to 3 years of imprisonment instead of going to jail are directed by courts to the Foundation in order to serve a penalty replacement - restriction of liberty and execution of unpaid work for a social purpose. The Foundation doing this penalty for more than 30 people per month. We are also running social curatorial supervision.
Centre of Social Re-Adaptation – half way house From 2002 Slawek Foundation runs a Centre for Rehabilitation and Social Re-adaptation where accommodation, meals and support programs are provided to people leaving prisons and detention centres.
Mediations Prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families have often Unregulated family situations. Mediation can help them solve this problems. We mediate in criminal, civil and after the verdict cases.
Outdoor Art. - „MIENIA ART.” Skillful use of talent and acquire new skills help participants adjust to life after sentence. Mienia Art is organized every year as a great tool in rehabilitation and resocialization of convicts participants.
Pilgrimage from Warsaw to Częstochowa "Pilgrim" – prisoners and ex-prisoners are walking on pilgrimage to holy place - Jasna Gora and take care of people with disabilities.
25 march 2009 Social Nobel from Ashoka Our succes Ashoka 25 march 2009 Social Nobel from Ashoka
Krzysztof Łagodziński Thank You Żaneta Łagodzińska Krzysztof Łagodziński
www.fundacjaslawek.org Slawek Foundation Ul. Gen. Andersa 13 01-159 Warszawa +48 510 249 513 www.fundacjaslawek.org