EFA Achievements in Sri Lanka M.Sabranjan Director of Education Ministry of Education Sri Lanka
Overview Initiatives Government Policy Achievements Strategies Challenges Way Forward
Initiatives for Education for All The enactment of a comprehensive law on education(1939) Education Ordinance No. 31 Free Education Act 1945 helped the children from poor families to gain free access to education Provision of free English medium education in government schools and establishment of Central Schools This ordinance still provide the principal legal basis for the education. it advocates the compulsory school attendance.This Act paved the way for children from poor families to gain free access to education. the free English medium education and secondary (central) schools were established to implement this proposal
Initiatives for Education for All Grant/financial assistance to denominational schools which entered the free education scheme The promotion of mother tongue as the medium of instruction in primary grades Curriculum changes aimed at concentrating on academic knowledge, aesthetic sensibilities and practical skills widespread scheme of student welfare measures (free health services, mid-day meal and scholarships) Curriculum changes were made aimed at “head, heart and hands” concentrating on academic knowledge, aesthetic sensibilities and practical skills A widespread scheme of student welfare measures such as free health services, mid-day meal and scholarships for deserving, promising students
Policy, legislation and strategies “...the complete eradication of illiteracy and the assurance to all persons of the right to universal and equal access to education at all levels” (Constitution of Sri Lanka, Article 27) Compulsory education regulations (5-16 year old children (2013) Reforms to protect the rights of children in detention Framework of Action for Inclusive Education(2012) Pre school education policy (2014)
Education Strategic plan Education sector development plan 2006-2010 Education sector development plan 2013-2017 Theme 1 : Increase equitable access to primary and secondary education; Theme 2 : Improve the quality of primary and secondary education; Theme 3 : Strengthen governance and service delivery of education; Crosscutting activity : results-based monitoring and evaluation.
Achievement of EFAs ECCE Measles immunisation coverage 97 % Maternal mortality rate 39 per 100,000 live births in 2006 Remains a low-prevalence but high-risk country for HIV/AIDS Slow decline in child malnutrition (underweight children under 5 yrs 27%)
Under 5 Mortality rates 2000- 2011 Source : Demographic & Health Survey, RGD
Inequity in distribution of Malnutrition Source: Annual Health Bulletin 2011
Grade 1 enrolment with ECCE Experience 2000-2012 Source: MOE
Grade 1 enrolment with ECCE Experience 2012 Source: School Census (MoE, 2012)
Net Enrolment Rates in Primary Education Achievements in UBE Net Enrolment Rates in Primary Education Year Male Female Total GPI 2001 91 93 92 1.03 2004 90 0.99 2008 94 95 1.01 2010 2012 97 98 Source: Moe
NER in Secondary Education Achievements in UBE Net Enrolment Rates in Secondary Education Progress 2001 - 2012 (National Level) Year NER in Secondary Education Male Female Total GPI 2001 88 91 89 1.03 2004 87 90 1.04 2008 2010 92 95 93 1.01 2012 1.05 Source: MOE
Primary Completion Rates 2000-2012 2001-2012 Year Primary Completion Rate GPI Male Female Total 2001 88 91 89 1.03 2005 90 104 2008 97 98 1.01 2012 99 1.02 Source: MOE
Achievements on Life Skills
Gender Parity index in Education Net Enrolment Rates in Primary Education GPI-1.01 Net Enrolment Rates in Secondary Education GPI-1.03 Transition Rates from Primary Cycle to Lower Secondary Cycle GPI -1.01
Adult literacy Adult literacy rates (10 years and over) Year Male Female Total 2001 92.6 89.7 91 2010 96.8 94.6 95.5 Source: DCS,2001,2010(5% sample)
Literacy rate of 15-24 year olds,2006-2011 Source:DCS2006/7,2011
Literacy rates by Districts-2010
Strategies to support the right to education for all Widespread coverage of provision of schooling - primary school within two km of every child (5 –9 yrs) - secondary school within four km of every child of the 10 to 16 year age range Student Welfare Each year the MoE allocates 10% of its budget for -subsidies - provide free textbooks, - uniforms, - nutrition programmes, - bursaries and scholarships
Strategies to support the right to education for all Child Friendly Schools CFS contribute to the improvement of the Quality Students, teachers and principals to evaluate the status of a school against CFS criteria (under 6 dimensions ) Schools develop the SDP for the year Disaster Risk Reduction (DRM) and School Safety Education Teaching disaster preparedness in schools
Education for specific vulnerable groups Children from the Plantation Community Integrated into the national system Children with Disabilities and Special Education Needs Special schools Special Education Units in schools Inclusion of disabled children’s into regular schools Street children Community Learning Centre program Basic literacy classes Mainstreaming to schools
Former conflict area development Construction and rehabilitation of schools Emergency Preparedness Response Plans Capacity development of teachers in psychosocial response Home Learning Modules Catch-up Education Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) Mine Risk Education
Challenges to Achieving Education for all ECCE: Governance - Lack of power & responsibilities of each level of government - Lack of Authorization of ECCE programmes Quality - Lack of Activities (care, education, nutrition and health?) - lack of monitoring and supervision n Financing - Lack financing from the government
Challenges to Achieving Education for all Polarisation of schools Increasing number of small schools in disadvantaged locations receiving little attention Social stigma towards children with disabilities and lack of quality programs addressing their needs Poor parental awareness about education Weak service delivery systems in rural and isolated communities
Recommendations Actions needed to remove demand and supply side barriers faced by marginalised groups Long term plan for teacher development Improve quality of early childhood care and education and Implementation of preschool education policy Child –friendly schools and inclusive practices institutionalised
Recommendations Equal distribution of human and physical resources Improve quality of non-formal Education Mainstream the Inclusive Education approach Development of Comprehensive plan for quality improvement Promote convergence to meet all needs in schools