Mrs Jones – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Jones – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Sherley – Thursday and Friday Mrs Symthe, Mrs Rosser and Mrs Busby
Arrival and going home Meet on the top playground when the bell goes at 8.55. Children asked everyday how they are getting home and a list is kept. Children will be seen off at the fire door from the classroom. Please be visible. Lanterns at 3.20 and charged unless in an emergency.
Play and lunch times Fruit only please KS1 free fruit Discourage toys Please do not send sweets in their lunchboxes.
Medical/welfare Medicine during the day. Please let us know of any changes. Please refrain from sending them in with cough sweets. Mrs Busby is responsible for medical in school….. Lucky us!
Communication Weekly newsletter every Friday via Parent Mail Other letters will be sent via Parent Mail also unless you request a hard copy. Text message service. Please keep information up to date. Parent Voice team. Our year 2 representatives are Mrs Rawlings and Mrs Hughes. Website page Photos and permission.
Behaviour Strike system Positivity is the key! Reward good behaviour – housepoints and stickers.
Topic web
Phonics Streamed Taught by Mrs Jones, Mrs Sherley, Mrs Wilkes and Mrs Lay. Fluidity in groups Regular assessment Support and work at home
Trips At the beginning of each half term you will be informed of any trips. Drama workshop for the Great Fire of London. Celebration assembly on a Friday at 10.50am. I will let you know on the Wednesday if your child has been picked to receive a wristband.
Progress Constantly assessing May take formal tests nothing to worry about Target Tracker Parents evenings in November and February End of Autumn and Spring you will receive a short report July report at the end of the year SAT’s separate information evening about this.
Ready? No formal homework in KS1! Reading minimum of 3 or 4 times a week. A reward will be given for 4x a week. Spellings – given on a Friday to be tested the following Thursday. Times tables – introduced and tested and inform you of how they do.
Parents help? YES PLEASE! Both in and out of school. Water bottles, coats, hats etc Support our GROWTH MINDSET approach Sharing books Regular attendance Punctuality We are on the same team! Everything we do is for the children.
Questions and contacting us Catch us at the end of the day Make an appointment School office Year 2 email – Webpage Please come and see us straightaway!
Questions Please use this opportunity to ask us about anything that you have heard tonight or seen in the classroom.