IEC-IEEE Challenge Business Confidential—for SEC distribution only IEEE Standards Education Committee 24 May 2011 Susan K. Tatiner
Background: IEC Centenary Challenge In 2006, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) conducted a paper competition as part of its Centenary Celebration. IEEE was one of four sponsors (with IET—formerly IEE, VDT, and the publication The Economist). Oversight of IEEE involvement provided by IEEE-SA BOG Broad topic: "Consideration of the economic, business and social impact of the development and use of International Standards for end-users at any level of business activity."
IEC-IEEE Challenge In 2012, IEC approached IEEE to participate as an exclusive partner in a new paper competition, to be named after both partners. There will be one media sponsor, as before. Beginning and end at IEC General Meetings Launch in Oslo, Norway, October 2011 Awards Ceremony in Melbourne, Australia, October 2012 SEC would provide oversight of IEEE involvement this time, as a standards-education-related activity. IEEE judges at different levels. IEEE Marketing support from SA and EA.
About $300K US
Motion The SEC endorses IEEE engagement in the IEC-IEEE Challenge paper competition.
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