Protected Areas Thematic Network GEF-IWCAM and IABIN Indicators Mechanism Workshop 10 - 12 March 2008 Ocho Rios, Jamaica
IABIN Protected Areas Thematic Network The objective of the Protected Areas Thematic Network is to promote the more effective sharing of information on protected areas within and between the countries of the Americas Hemisphere, building on and contributing to existing global experience in this area through close collaboration with the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and the UNEP-WCMC.
IABIN Protected Areas Thematic Network Among the main activities of PATN we can Highlight: Data survey, data digitization, develop data standards and promote data sharing about protected areas; Promote the accessibility and improvement of effectiveness management assessment tools and methodologies, in order to share the best practices and learning lessons. Starts in March 2006
Progress and Achievements Consultancies: Identify available databases and data sources about Protected Areas in Latin America and Caribbean to Support the Protected Areas Thematic Network Identify available Protected Area Management Effectiveness data, Methods and Results in Latin America and Caribbean to Support the Protected Areas Thematic Network Identification and prioritization of technical and biodiversity information needs and gap on Protected Areas in Latin America and Caribbean to Support the Protected Areas Thematic Network Protected Areas Thematic Network Architecture and Data Gathering Strategy Elaborated after discussions with UNEP-WCMC and key data providers PATN Data Standard V 0.9 Elaborated based on recommendations from the consultancies and agreed with UNEP-WCMC PATN Conceptual Data Model V 2.1
Progress and Achievements Americas and Caribbean Database on Protected Areas On-line (Launched at August 2007) 10.852 Records (IUCN PAs) – New Version (2007) with 11.981 Records. Key data providers contacted and engaged Data transfer and update tests: 1st quarter 2008 Brazil Ministry of Environmental RANPA (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela and Brazil) Data digitizing tools offered by Brazilian Government Geospatial data tool web based Protected Areas Catalog System Training Workshop on planning, together with NBII (metadata tools), Ecosystem Thematic Network and Brazilian Ministry of Environmental
PATN Data Core Standard v 0.9 Continue....
Caribbean IABIN Countries Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti Jamaica St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vicente and the Grenadines Tinidad and Tobago 658 IUCN Protected Areas
Thank You! Eduardo Dalcin ( Cristiano Cegana (