Puzzle 1 “You cut, I choose”
Jeremy and Marie Children Love cake and mathematics Who doesn’t? Always prefer to have as much cake as possible. Both children are skilled at comparing the volume of two pieces of cake.
The scenario Chef Martine bakes a cake for Jeremy and Marie to share. Jeremy (the older child) is given the responsibility of cutting the cake. Marie chooses which piece she will take Jeremy gets the other. The question: What strategy should Jeremy use when cutting the cake (half, uneven, ???) and why?
Sweet tooth (due to Dennis Shasha) Puzzle 2 (for next week) Sweet tooth (due to Dennis Shasha)
The scenario Chef Martine bakes two cakes “X” and “Y” of equal size Jeremy cuts cake X Marie examines and chooses strategy A or B Question (for next week): How should Jeremy divide the cake in step 1 in order to maximize his portion? (and why) Strategy A Strategy B 3. Jeremy chooses piece from X and then cuts Y 4. Marie chooses piece from Y 3. Marie chooses piece from X 4. Jeremy then cuts and chooses piece from Y