By: Purj and Cheb 2nd Period Robertson Minerals By: Purj and Cheb 2nd Period Robertson
Diamond The hardness is 10. The diamond streak is white. Diamond density is 3.5-3.53 g/cm3 Some diamonds are used for mechanical parts. 4 out of 5 diamonds are used for jewelry.
Ruby The hardness is 9. The ruby streak can be a shade of pink to red and white. Ruby density is 3.5 g/cm3 to 4 g/cm3. Some rubies are used in LASERs (Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and jewelry.
Sapphire The hardness is 9. The streak is white. Sapphire density is 3.99 g/cm3– 4.00 g/cm3. Some sapphires are used for lasers, watches, electronics, and construction.
Peridot The hardness is 6.5 - 7. The streak is white. Peridot density is 3.20 g/cm3 – 3.50 g/cm3. Some peridots are used to help relieve asthma, allergies, bites and stings.
Opal The hardness is 5.5 to 6.5. The streak is white, colorless, light yellow, red, or gray. Opal density is 1.9 g/cm3 - 2.09 g/cm3. Some opals are used for jewelry, ornaments, and specimens.
Aquamarine The hardness is 7.5. The streak is white. Aquamarine density is 2.62 g/cm3 - 2.71 g/cm3. Some aquamarines are used for charms for sailors and luck.
Garnet The hardness is 6.5 - 7.5 The streak is white. Garnet density is 3.65 g/cm3 – 4.20 g/cm3. Some garnet are used for cures fever and promotes good health.
Amethyst The hardness is 7. The streak is white. Amethyst density is around 2.65 g/cm3. Some amethyst are used for love charms, improving sleep, and as a protection against thieves and drunkenness.
Topaz The hardness is 8. The streak is white. Topaz density is around 3.53 g/cm3. Some topaz are mainly used as ornaments and jewelry.
Emerald The hardness is 7.5 – 8. The streak is white. Emerald density is 2.68 g/cm3 - 2.78 g/cm3. Some emerald are used for x-ray detectors, electronics, and jewelry.