Imaging Equipment Committee November 18, 2015
Agenda Schedules Modernization Initiatives Transactional Data Reporting Evergreen Contracts Commercial Supplier Agreement Deviation Trends in Toner Requirements (discussion) Friday Flash Survey Upcoming Training
GSA Modernization Initiatives Category Management Transactional Data Competitive Pricing Initiative Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Contractor Continuity Making it Easier to Do Business with GSA (GSA Administrator) 10 sub initiatives Example: Schedule 70 Making it Easier for Suppliers to Work with the Government RFI
Transactional Data Proposed rule published March 4 1. Contract or BPA Number 7. Unit Measure (each, hour, case, lot) 2. Order Number/Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID) 8. Quantity of Item Sold 3. Non Federal Entity, if applicable 9. Universal Product Code (UPC), if applicable 4. Description of Deliverable 10. Price Paid per Unit 5. Manufacturer Name 11. Total Price 6. Manufacturer Part Number Proposed rule published March 4 Contractors to report transactional data from orders and prices paid by ordering activities FSS contract and GSA non-FSS contract orders (not VA) Report transactional data at the order and BPA level to GSA monthly
Evergreen Contracts Coalition Evergreen WG submitted white paper to FAS Deputy Commissioner. Recommended: Streamlined proposal submission and review process for long time FSS contractors FSS language addressing continuation of performance of BPAs and orders beyond the basic contract term FAS instructional letters on streamlined process for contracting officers
Trends in Toner Requirements EO 13693 Implementing Instructions: Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade Acquisition and Procurement To meet the requirements of sections 3(i)(i) and 3(l)(i) of the E.O., agencies shall: Acquire ENERGY STAR certified electronic products; Acquire FEMP-designated electronic products; and Acquire toner cartridges that are remanufactured, contain recycled content, or are biobased.
Upcoming Training GSA Schedule Option Extension Training Seasoned GSA Schedule advisors will discuss key tenets of GSA Schedule contracting, the option exercise process under the OPEN program and in an e-Mod world, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Dec 01, 2015 8:00am - 1:00pm Baker Tilly 8219 Leesburg Pike Suite 800 Tysons Corner, Virginia
Friday Flash Survey The Coalition has sent out a brief 5 minute survey regarding the weekly Friday Flash publication Objective: Receive feedback on the Friday Flash regarding the following: Content (Topics and Agencies) Value Reader Habits, etc. Feedback will be used to enhance content, design and more! Survey Set to Close COB Nov. 20
Thank you