Aim: How can the nervous system malfunction?
Nervous System Malfunctions Polio Cerebral Palsy Meningitis Stroke Alzheimer's Disease
Can you identify these parts? Disorders of the brain, have helped scientists identify the functions of the parts. How have we learned about what each part of the brain controls? Which part of the brain is essential to maintain life? Which part is in charge of you getting 100 on the Regents? Which part is in charge of balancing your body when you dance?
Polio Virus attacks motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and causes paralysis. TREATEMENT: Vaccine Franklin Roosevelt (1921)
Iron Lung The iron lung was used to help people paralyzed by polio breathe. Pressure changes in the chamber performed the job of the diaphragm and caused inhalation and exhalation. (Remember how we breath?)
Cerebral Palsy Damage to brain tissue that occurs at or shortly after birth. It damages the muscle and speech centers of the brain. TREATEMENT: Experimental Drugs Physical Therapy
Meningitis Inflammation of the membrane around the brain & spinal cord due to a bacterial or viral infection . Symptoms :flu-like symptoms and stiffness of neck. TREATMENT: Antibiotics (can be fatal)
Stroke Blood vessel bursts or a clot blocks the blood flow, blocking oxygen to the brain. cause paralysis and memory loss. TREATMENT/PREVENTION: Reduce Blood pressure Exercise and healthy diet
Alzheimer's Disease Loss of memory, judgment, speech, coordination. Attacks and destroys brain cells The cause may be genetic or environmental. TREATMENT: No cure