Problem of Evil: Why is there suffering in the world? An argument used against the existence of God.
The Philosophical Problem:
Images of Evil: Natural Evil: Suffering/evil that is the result of forces of natural/ the natural world. Moral Evil: Evil/suffering that is the result of man’s moral actions and use of free will- example include rape, murder, terrorism
Key terminology Free Will Defence: Explaining evil as the result of man’s use of free will- i.e. the power to act one way or another. Theodicy: An attempt to prove the attributes of God while not denying the existence of evil.
Starting points Why can God not be called loving if he allows evil to exist? What can God do if he is all-powerful?- What could he do with human suffering? What do you think?- Is it a good argument against God? Does evil actually exist?
Theodicy: To solve the problem of evil, religious people have to provide an explanation of how the three premises on the left can all be true at the same time. Such a solution is called a Theodicy. If God and evil are to exist at the same time, then God must have a very good reason for permitting evil to exist. What might that reason be?
Some suggestions: Evil exists: As a punishment from God As the work of the Devil To preserve our Free Will As a Test from God As a means of Perfecting us As the result of bad Karma As the result of Desire These arguments are not perfect solutions for believers, but do go some way to solving the problem.