Maria Lau(5)1N2 Loh Sin Yi(6)1N2 Singapore Zoo Maria Lau(5)1N2 Loh Sin Yi(6)1N2
FRAGILE FOREST Step into this massive biodome and marvel at the richness and diversity of the rainforest - recreated in the form of a 20,000 cubic metre flight area - one of the largest in the world.
GIBBON ISLAND The primates along Gibbon Island are vocalists extraordinaires! Come listen to their cacophony of cries, in response to pre-recorded calls during the token feeding session at 1.40pm daily. There are the black howler monkeys, with their deep throaty cries, gibbons with their territorial whoops and red-ruffed lemurs with their signature ‘barks’.
WILD AFRICA Fashioned after the grassy plains in Africa, this south-eastern flank of the Zoo has grass-grazing mammals living alongside their deadly predators. There’s nothing like the thrill of traversing through Wild Africa on a safari tour especially when hooves, horns and claws aren’t all you can expect to see. For instance, there’s a little colony of animals you might want to check out. Meet our East African’s underground darlings who feel no pain.
FROZEN TUNDRA Chill out at the Frozen Tundra, the newest exhibit in Singapore Zoo that is the size of 2.5 basketball court put together. Built to resemble the arctic habitat, the Frozen Tundra has a cool temperature, an ice cave with a waterfall, and a large pool filled with giant ice blocks. Inuka, our locally-born polar bear, is the star of the Frozen Tundra. From the viewing gallery in the frozen tunnel, check out how our playful Inuka swim in the cool pool, or even chill in the ice-cold cave