Bible Survey Notes: Q&T: The New Testament Epistles
I. Introduction A. The word "Epistle" simply means “Letters”. 1 I. Introduction A. The word "Epistle" simply means “Letters”. 1. Who wrote them? a. *The epistles of the new testament were written by several authors, all of them church leaders like Peter, John or Paul. Paul wrote the most, 13 in all.
b. *Paul used a scribe (secretary) to write his letters because his eyesight was so poor (due to his conversion experience?) - *Paul usually wrote the last paragraph or so himself to make sure his readers knew they were actually from Paul / they recognized his handwriting.
2. To whom were they written. a 2. To whom were they written? a. * The New Testament Epistles were written mostly to churches like the church in Corinth (Corinthians) or Ephesus (Ephesians), etc. * Some were written to individuals like Timothy or Titus.
b. * The church that received a letter from Paul or another Apostle usually by way of a courier known and trusted by the church. * The church would then share the letter with other churches in the area. Many copies were made of them which is why we still have a record of those letters today (Holy Spirit Guided)
3. Why were they written? a. * The Epistles written to churches addressed Questions the church had about Christian Doctrine (Christian Beliefs) such as - who Jesus really was (God & Man) - what Jesus’ death and resurrection meant? (Atonement for sin & New Life) - what Jesus Ascension meant? (Rule of Christ through the Missional Church on earth)
- when would Jesus return and how - when would Jesus return and how? (Unknown, in triumph as judge / be ready) - what does the Holy Spirit do (Sanctify believers & give Spiritual gifts / fruit) - how is the church supposed to function in society (Missionally)
b. * Questions or issues the church had about Christian living such as: - what does it mean to live by faith during hard times or persecution? - what does it mean to live ethically as a Christian in in families, marriage, work, church & society? - what does it mean to be Holy? To live in the world but not like the world? - what does it mean to live each day Missionally (as a witness for Jesus in word and deed)
c. * The Epistles written to individuals dealt with more personal concerns or with challenges being faced by them as young leaders in the churches such as: - how to organize a local church - how to be a pastor, encouraging people in the faith - how to be a worship leader - how to deal with opposition in the church and false teachers
B. These letters, Paul’s in particular, are not always easy to understand, as the Apostle Peter said: 2 Peter 3:15-17 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.