Katy Roose, Vice President of Clubs and Organizations GU GOLD Katy Roose, Vice President of Clubs and Organizations
GU Gold Machine The GU Gold machine was purchased by Gannon’s Student Government Association to assist clubs and organizations in their fundraising efforts by providing a machine for convenient and reliable financial transactions. SGA oversees the use of the GU Gold machine as a service to students. Using the GU GOLD machine is a privilege, not a right.
Procedure: 1. Check the SGA GU Gold Calendar on SGA’s website (sgalive.gannon.edu). In order to request the GU Gold Machine (and equipment), a club or organization must complete the request form on EngageU on SGA’s page at least 48 hours before the requested date.
2. I will approve or deny your request based on first come first serve and availability. You will receive an e-mail either way regarding the status. NOTE: If you requested a certain length of time and I can only give you 3 hours of the 5 that you requested, I will schedule you for those hours and will e-mail you. You can choose to keep them or I will take you off of the reservation if you wish.
3. A member for the club and organization must sign out the machine at the WCC front desk during the confirmed reservation time. NOTE: Groups/Organizations with names starting with A-M will use EX and names starting with N-Z will use GC—unless two groups of the same classification are using the machines at once, it will be the first group with EX and second GC)
4. The person from the club or organization using the machine assumes full responsibility for the use and care of the equipment. (It is important to accurately follow directions kept with the machine to avoid damaging the equipment.) 5. A member from the club or organization must return the equipment to the WCC front desk on or before the end of their confirmed reservation time. 6. Clubs and Organizations will receive reimbursement 4-8 weeks after they have used the machine.
GU GOLD MACHINE RULES: The GU Gold machine must be kept on campus at all times unless it is cleared by the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations. The GU Gold Machine must be returned to Waldron Campus Center no later than 11 pm each day -- even when a club or organization has it reserved for multiple days. The GU Gold Machine is to be used only during the time that the event is taking place. The manual entry of a list of student ID numbers before, during, or after an event has taken place is strictly forbidden. Clubs will not receive money from numbers that were typed in!!
Consequences A club or organization which is found violating the GU Gold machine rules is subject to the following: First offense will ban your club or organization from using the GU Gold Machine for the remainder of the current semester. A club or organization will be required to reimburse the University for all costs associated with replacement or repair of the equipment should the GU Gold machine be lost, stolen, or damaged while on loan in that club or organization’s possession. Any inappropriate use of the GU Gold machine is subject to penalty upon the discretion of SGA.
Questions? Katy Roose Roose001@knights.gannon.edu 248-219-2402