Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Be Ready for His Return Luke 12:35-48 This takes place before a large crowd somewhere in a populated area on the way from Jerusalem to Galilee Jesus has both warned and encouraged His disciples, and rebuked the crowd about greed
Be Ready for His Return Luke 12:35-48 Jesus begins by addressing His disciples about the coming of the Son of Man, then expands to the crowd
Luke 12:35-48 Be sure to be ready for the coming of the “Son of Man” - a Messianic title often used in Luke They would have understood the prophecies of Messiah coming as king to judge
Blessed Slaves Luke 12:35-38 “Let your waist be girded” - be ready for action
Blessed Slaves Luke 12:35-38 The “you” in this verse is emphatic - you be prepared regardless of what anyone else does Second illustration: “Keep your lamp burning.” Be prepared even at night
Blessed Slaves Luke 12:35-38 Matthew 12:1-12 - the parable of the Ten Virgins The wise maidens were ready for the wedding procession with lit lamps, the foolish were not
Blessed Slaves Luke 12:36-38 Third Illustration: Be like men ready & waiting for their master to return They were to be ready whenever the master returned even if very late during the 2nd or 3rd watch Those slaves found ready by their master would be greatly blessed by him
Necessity of Continued Anticipation Luke 12:39-40 The necessity of being ready from the negative side of preventing loss Common homes made with sun dried mud could be “dug through” by thieves In ancient times someone had to be up and watching to warn / prevent danger - watchmen
Necessity of Continued Anticipation Luke 12:39-40 Verse 40 - A command to be ready for the Son of Man is coming when you do not expect More revelation has been given since then, but they understood the necessity to be ready
Imminent Return of Christ Imminent: Many things could happen, but nothing must happen before Jesus’ return - it could be today Standard texts related to imminence: Matt. 24:36 cf. Acts 1:7; Matt, 24:42-25:13; Luke 12:36-40; Romans 8:19, 23, 25; 1 Cor. 1:7; 4:5; 15:51-52; 16:22; Phil. 3:20, 4:5; 1 Thess. 1:9-10; 2 Thess. 3:10-12; Titus 2:12-13; Heb. 9:28; James 5:7-9; 1 Peter 1:13; 1 John 2:28; Jude 21; Rev. 2:16, 25; 3:3, 11; 16:15; 22:7, 12, 20
Imminent Return of Christ Commands to the disciples to be ready for His coming: Matthew 24:42-25:13; Luke 12:36-40 Paul thought he might be alive at the rapture: 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-52; Phil. 3:20. So did John – 1 John 2:28
Imminent Return of Christ Phil. 3:20; Rom. 8:19, 23, 25: Eagerly wait” is ajpekdevcomai / apekdechomai - an intense yearning 1 Cor. 1:7 - “Awaiting eagerly” ajpekdecomevnouV / apekdechomenous - An attitude of a burning expectation
Imminent Return of Christ Titus 2:12-13 - “Looking for” : prosdecovmenoi / prosdechomenoi has the sense of “await” in expectation The Lord is near: Philippians 4:5 - (also Isaiah 13:6; Ezekiel 30:3; Joel 1:15; 2:1; 3:14; Zephaniah 1:7, 14)
Imminent Return of Christ James 5:7-9 - “at hand” & “standing at the door” - perfect active indicatives: action completed & continuing Revelation 2:16; 3:11 & 22:7, 12, 20 - “I am coming quickly” - not “soon,” but “swiftly before you can react” 1 Thessalonians 5:2,9; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 3:3 & 16:15 - He will come unexpectedly “like a thief”
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 12:41-44 Jesus answers Peter’s question indirectly be addressing both those who are faithful and those who are not The faithful steward is sensible and fulfilling his responsibilities and therefore ready for his master’s return
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 12:41-44 He is rewarded with a greater position of greater responsibilities - as was Joseph in Genesis 39
Punishment for the Neglectful Luke 12:45-48 He did not think his master would return anytime soon (vs. 45) He used his position to abuse the other slaves and fulfill his hedonistic desires even to drunkenness
Punishment for the Neglectful Luke 12:45-48 He would be severely punished (vs. 46) - severely beaten and cast out of his position and service The more you know & are given, the more is required of you, & greater punishment for failure
Application You need to be ready and eagerly waiting for His coming There is reward for those who are ready and punishment for those that are not
Warnings to those who are not ready or indifferent to Jesus’ promised return 1) The Lord has tarried long, but every day is closer & daily headlines proclaim its nearness 2) Even if the Lord does tarry, you have no guarantee you will live though today - are you ready to die?
If you are not ready, get ready - We are here to help
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ 24