The Day of the Raisin by Martyn Godfrey
First Pause Point
First Pause Point Who is telling the story?
First Pause Point Who is telling the story? How do we know?
First Pause Point Who is telling the story? How do we know? Why would Kevin want to gross out the girls?
First Pause Point Who is telling the story? How do we know? Why would Kevin want to gross out the girls? Do you think they would find that funny? Why?
Second Pause Point
Second Pause Point How is the author hooking us into the story?
Second Pause Point How is the author hooking us into the story? Does the author have a point of view or is he only a narrator? How do you know?
Second Pause Point How is the author hooking us into the story? Does the author have a point of view or is he only a narrator? How do you know? With a partner... What should Kevin do and why?
Discuss What have you learned about what makes something funny?
Discuss What have you learned about what makes something funny? What have you learned about how people look at humour differently?
Discuss What have you learned about what makes something funny? What have you learned about how people look at humour differently? Did the story unfold as we had predicted?
Discuss What have you learned about what makes something funny? What have you learned about how people look at humour differently? Did the story unfold as we had predicted? What has this author done to help you find the humour in the story?
Inside-Outside Circle strategy Did you think Kevin’s prank was funny? Why?
Third Pause Point
Third Pause Point How do Kevin, the teacher and the principal feel about the situation?
Third Pause Point How do Kevin, the teacher and the principal feel about the situation? What might Kevin do with the raisin?
Third Pause Point How do Kevin, the teacher and the principal feel about the situation? What might Kevin do with the raisin? How is the author hooking us into the story? How is he telling it?
Third Pause Point How do Kevin, the teacher and the principal feel about the situation? What might Kevin do with the raisin? How is the author hooking us into the story? How is he telling it? Why does the author repeat the part about not making the story up?
Third Pause Point How do Kevin, the teacher and the principal feel about the situation? What might Kevin do with the raisin? How is the author hooking us into the story? How is he telling it? Why does the author repeat the part about not making the story up? What did you think of the way the author ended the story? Couldyou think of another way to end it?
What makes something funny?
Second Pause Point What should he do?