Refugio Subcommittee FINAL Report September 7, 2017 “Transitioning from Incident-Specific to Holistic Collaboration”
Command & Control Working Group Worklist Complete! Defined the LGOSC role: qualifications, required training, responsibilities, authorities – aligns with RCP Tribal government work list items will transition to a statewide OSPR-led Working Group
Operational Needs Working Group Worklist Complete! Added new ICP locations in all five counties ACP Appendices now include an Environmental Response Sampling Guide and historical tar ball/natural seep information Remaining worklist items transitioned to a new standing subcommittee
Alternative Response Technology/Research Request Working Group Worklist complete! Incorporated Spider Excavator and Dry Ice Blasting techniques into the Shoreline Cleanup Options of the ACP. Assigned the Liaison Officer (LNO) as the primary POC for site access – includes researchers, vendors, public stakeholders, etc. Site Access Request Form Consultation with SSC, RTE Unit, PIO, SOFR, OSC, LSC Final decision is with the Unified Command RTE Unit - under the Planning Section with representatives from the Responsible Party, Environmental Unit, Operations Section, Safety Officer and RRT 9 Addresses technology that does not include conventional skimmers, boom, vacuum truck and gross removal by hand
Information Management Working Group Worklist complete! Adopted Joint Information Center model, combining some efforts with the Area Maritime Security Committee – tested during the 2017 LA Fleet Week Stakeholder Engagement Plan added as an appendix to the ACP Remaining NGO worklist items transitioned to the Community Outreach Subcommittee
Holistic Collaboraton The Future………. Holistic Collaboraton
Statewide OSPR-led Tribal Government Working Group Engage with Tribal Governments to incorporate their lessons learned for recommended changes to all Area Contingency Plans. Align with Regional Contingency Plan and include Tribal Government notification requirements into the ACP
Community Outreach Subcommittee New standing sub-committee Continue to discuss regulatory issues Initial Response Times Inland source discharge extending to marine environment External data management and sharing Proper integration of NGOs via LNO/AREP Improved volunteer engagement Formal process to obtain NGO/public input for local government oil spill contingency plans Increase NGO/public participation in the Area Committee and oil spill exercises