Article IV, V, and VI of the constitution
Article IV Relations Among states States most honor the laws, decisions, and licenses passed in another state.
Article IV Rights of Citizens Privileges- Each state must give a visitor of one sate the same hospitality they would give their own, but you cannot vote if visiting
Article IV Extradition: One governor can ask another to capture and return a criminal who crossed state borders, this is called extradition
Return of Runaways Clause to please the south at time of writing: Set harsh punishments for aiding runaway slaves, after amendment 13 to constitution this went away
Section 3 New states- new states could not join existing states Congressional powers over land- Congress can sell give away or make laws for federal lands
State Guarantees Each state will have an elected government in place
Article V Amendments- Need to be approved by 2/3rds of both houses of congress Amendments are ratified when 3/4ths of the states approved the amendment, this process can only last up to 7 years or, a new amendment must be made
Article VI Debts- any debts owed before the constitution would be paid by the US Supreme law of the land- constitution and congress were the highest authority and considered the law of the land Need to take oath before taking office
Article VII Ratifying Constitution- At the time 9 states (or ¾) of the 13 colonies needed to ratify the constitution June 21st, 1788- New Hampshire ratified Constitution and its been in place ever since
The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution
The Bill of Rights They are laws and freedoms that are guaranteed to all citizens of the US They are some of the most controversial at times, but none the less most important
The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is one of the single most important American document ever created It is the foundation of our freedoms!
The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution
The First ten Amendments to the constitution are… Amendment I Freedom of press, religion, petition, speech, assembly Amendment II The right to bear arms
Amendment III No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Amendment IV The right to protection from unjust search and seizure
Amendment V The right to due process under the law “innocent until proven guilty” Amendment VI The right to a public and speedy trial Amendment VII the right of trial by jury of your peers, in cases over $20 Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
11th Amendment Limits suits against states People in different states or foreign countries can’t sue a state in federal court
12th Amendment (electoral college) Procedure for electing President and Vice President Electors meet in their state capitals to vote on different ballots for President and Vice President If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes Congress decides the winner House of Reps decides President Senate decides Vice President
13th Amendment Abolished Slavery Reconstruction Amendment
14th Amendment Defines citizenship Anyone born or naturalized in the US (regardless of race, religion, etc) is a citizen and has rights No state can deny citizenship Reconstruction Amendment
15th Amendment African Americans receive the right to vote Reconstruction Amendment
16th Amendment Congress can collect income taxes
17th Amendment People directly vote for Senators Prior to this people only votes for Representatives in House of Reps– not Senators as well
18th Amendment Prohibits the manufacture, sale, or consumption of alcohol
19th Amendment Women receive the right to vote (1919)
20th Amendment Term Limits Term ends/begins at noon on January 20th for President and Vice President Term ends/begins at noon on January 3rd for Congressmen Congress must meet on January 3rd
21st Amendment Repealed the 18th Amendment Now legal to manufacture, sale, and consume alcohol
22nd Amendment Term Limits President may only serve 2 terms Can serve 10 years if served as President from being a VP
23rd Amendment Washington DC gets the right to vote
24th Amendment Can not keep citizens from voting by using taxes (poll tax)
25th Amendment If President dies or leaves office the Vice President becomes President The new President (old VP) picks the new Vice President
26th Amendment Lowered the voting age to 18
27th Amendment When Congress votes to increase salaries, it will start at the beginning of the next term